方 without ます stem?

Hello everyone! I see people use this 方 a lot in a way I’ve never understood recently, so I decided to ask about it here since I can’t find anything about it online. So, I was taught 方 first of all being read as かた not ほう. But more importantly I’ve only seen it be used like this:
Never like this (which is how I’ve seen it recently):
漢字を読める方~ (something starting like this)

If you know anything about this/ other ways to use 方 besides the (how to~) format, please let me know!! 🫂 (Also I do know about 方がいい and also, for example, 犬より猫の方が好きです。)


  1. 方 (かた) can also mean “person”, so I would interpret the example 漢字を読める方 as “somebody who can read kanji”. For the “how to” meaning, 方 always uses the ます stem (as far as I know), and it wouldn’t make sense here anyway, since the sentence uses the potential form of the verb.

    And just to point out, in the 方がいい structure, 方 is read as ほう.

  2. In Japanese films I’ve seen. There’s this setting in the hospital where the nurse calls the next person. She said, tsugi no kata douzo!

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