Reverse hiragana/katakana quiz?

Does anyone know of a quiz, Anki deck, etc that asks you for the appropriate hiragana/katakana symbol for a given sound?
I’ve found that while I can read the symbols easily, when it comes to identify exactly which base symbol creates the sound, say ‘kyu’ or ‘po’, it’s a lot harder. Basically it’s not evident to me why an accented ‘hu’ becomes ‘pu’, and not any other symbol that ends with the ‘u’ sound.


  1. There’s an iOS app called “Kana” which lets you do custom quizzes, either from hiragana to english, or english to hiragana (or both). Including writing and just recognizing / multiple choice. It’s what I used when learning them.

    Also, it’s based on the consonant and not the vowel, so anything starting with h will always go to b/p, anything with s->z, k->g, etc…and the h->p is a special case.

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