What’s my name?

Hey everyone!

I am beginning my Japanese-learning journey, and having learned Hiragana I am now moving on to Katakana.

I was wondering if you could please help me figure out how to write my name.
I’m Mathias, pronounced Mah-tee-ah-s (I’m french) so I figured I would be マチアス.
However, some website said it would rather be spelled マティアス.
Does ティ sound like “tee” or is it simply “tay-ee”?

Thanks for your help!

  1. マティアス would be closest. Small katakana vowel-beginning syllables after a consonant-beginning syllable will take on the sound of that consonant plus the vowel after it.

    For example

    フ on its own is romanized as fu

    ファ is romanized as fa, like in ファミリーマート

    テ te

    ティ ti

  2. “マチアス”would have the ちsound probably as in Hiragana.
    ティis pronounced as” ti” by most of the people I think. You can check how it sounds like in Google translator maybe. Katakana does weird things in foreign words, like ヴ

  3. The most reliable way to answer questions like this for the record is to find someone with the same name on Wikipedia and then check the Japanese version. I found a page for the French novelist Mathias Énard and it is indeed transliterated as マティアス

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