When you change jobs, is your former employer going to need to know your future employer?

When you change jobs, is your former employer going to need to know your future employer?

I don’t really feel like telling them, but I’m not sure if due to all the procedural stuff (transitioning health insurance, pensions etc) that they’ll have to know anyway.

Is it possible / usual just to get the relevant tax / insurance documents without needing to let them know where I’m next working?

(I am non-Japanese on the engineer/humanities specialist visa, will keep the same visa with my next job)

  1. They can ask, but you don’t need to tell them. Have all final documents sent to your house if they ask to send something.

  2. I’ve never told a previous employer about where I was going to work next. Call me paranoid, but better safe than sorry.

  3. No. They will be able to provide all relevant documents without needing to know your next employer. Your next employer needs information on what you’ve earned in the year so far for tax purposes, but your current employer will be able to send you those documents regardless of whether you tell them or not.

  4. No, it isn’t necessary to tell them the next place of employment for any reason, even tax/pension related issues.

  5. Nope, it’s not necessary.

    I didn’t tell my previous employer, I felt that they didn’t need to know. I would also just tell my old co-workers vague descriptions of the company. It’s none of their business tbh.

    If you need stuff from your previous company, they can just send the documents to you via post, they don’t need to contact your new company or vice versa.

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