Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (March 31, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. I write this to force myself into making the post I was planning earlier this month (I think), sharing my misadventures with ChatGPT.
    Fortunately I found a fun interaction with GPT-4 where it fails a simple task; should be a good reference point for those of you who have to tell beginners to stop using these things for now, due to its unreliability.

  2. Anyone can recommend me SRS-style vocab training app where you need to “write” your answer instead of just thinking in your head like Anki?

  3. So I’m reading Snow White in Japanese for practice and in this part of the sentence they use the ‘よ’ particle:


    I thought that よ was only used at the end of the sentence – what’s it doing here? (That famous Mirror Mirror speech)

  4. 。。。待っても田中さんは来ませんでした。

    I know the answer is いくら but why doesn’t どのくらい work here?

  5. I understand that the particle「です」is often omitted in casual conversation, but what if we are describing something in the past tense? Would past tense be implied and the copula still be omitted, or would「だった」be required in this case? (Assuming we aren’t talking about verbs)

  6. I tried to translate another video game trailer. I wonder if anyone has time to look at my translation and give me some critique?

    You probably don’t need a link to the trailer since I wrote out the relevant part, but in case I messed up: [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kPhXnSuO3A)

    得意武器:刀 前衛・攻撃特化型

    weapon specialty: katana vanguard・attack specialized




    swordsman that mastered a fencing art of a foreign country called “the way”

    of all the occupations, (his) physical attack power is particularly high

    occupation that covers attribute attack and full-body attribute attack






    there are skills you can acquire, according to the three varieties of stances

    “overhead stance” excels at 暖間火力 [I can’t figure out what this is, warm space firepower?]

    “pointing stance” is balanced and easy to use

    “sword drawing stance” can aim for a quickly decisive instant death effect

    are the stances’ strong points


    lighting flash thrust




    attack skill that you can use when a katana is equipped
    with a thunderous lighting-fast rush
    ability that has both sky and lighting elements at the same time


    swallow reversal



    attack skill that can be used when a katana is equipped

    attack of several revolutions done with a returning sword


    flash of light



    let loose a honed single strike at all the enemies

    a skill that at also has the instant death effect of a beheading attack

  7. how is the 覆 in 手で口を覆った。read? i see it can be pronounce oo and kutsugae

  8. 和解させるためのきっかけづくりもしていました

    Could I get some help in understanding what きっかけづくり means? In my opinion it sounds like phrase but I cant find any info on it

  9. What is the difference in tone or implication between ~なきゃいかない and なきゃいけない? Is なきゃいかない a mistake or typo? I recall seeing it only maybe once

  10. How did you guys actually start studying for kanji, I finished the kanas and it was a breeze to get through but then I got to kanji and feel like I’m lost because i do not know how to start with it.

  11. Would the sentence “彼女は彼を振った。” ever be translated as “she shook him”?

    Or is it always “she dumped him”?

  12. So I’m kinda searching up japanese traditional game of try-and-guess and found some of them
    1. 歌舞伎当て
    2. 昔話妖怪あてゲーム
    3. シャレード

    so which one actually getting played by japanese children and student or is there anything else that are quite well known? let me know if you know it

  13. Hello again, I am wondering if anyone knows the pitch accent rules for verbs in the imperative form. My guess is that for heiban verbs it remains atonic like: あそぶ (LHH) → あそべ (LHH)

    But for verbs with an accent does the placement change or not? For example 食べる (LHL) → 食べる (LHL?), 打つ (HL) → 打て (HL?), たすける (LHHL) → たすけろ (LHHL?)

    The kind person who answered my question on hinative pronounced this for me, but to me it sounds like 弁える in the imperative has become heiban, even though in the dictionary form it has a downstep? This could just be my ears so I want to know if I’m hearing things or whether there is an accent change when in the imperative form. Thanks!

    (My hinative question for reference: [https://ja.hinative.com/questions/23773416](https://ja.hinative.com/questions/23773416) )

    (PS Thank you to the people who answered my question the other day, I bought the dictionary and I will use it a lot to improve my counter pronunciation!)

  14. Requesting help please with the audio in this Koshien [game](https://sportsbull.jp/senbatsu/game/32/), @ 1:43:54

    センバツの間木そこから森田今朝丸と繋いだ報徳学園です。 大角監督三人目で今朝丸をマウンドに送ると言う判断。 これがどうゲームを左右するか。 仙台育英としては ひろがさん ピッチャーがご変わったと言う所。 まあ攻撃としても 行け行け押せ押せの雰囲気でしょうか。 そうですよね先ず**止められなくランナー溜めること**ですよね. はい.

    五番の尾形が打席に入る所伝令を送っています。ノアウト一塁 この場面での伝令どんな指示が考えられるでしょうか。 二点差ですからでね**矢張り ここは積極的強攻だ と思いますすんだ**よね。しっかり**通すボールを絞ってですよね極ひたすら**ですね。


  15. I’ve recently completed Minna no Nihongo 1 & 2 and passed JLPT N4.
    Next week, I’ll be starting to a new class. I’ll be joining to an ongoing one. I’ve talked to the teacher about it and she said that the class is suitable for my level but I have some concerns about the book. They use Marugoto (A2-B1) and are at unit 5. The book is quite different from what I am used to.
    Do you guys have any experience with this book? It is suitable for my level? I would appreciate it if you can give me some suggestions on how to prepare before the class starts next week 🙏

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