Found this, can I just take it?

I was on the lookout to buy some cheap luggage, and found one abandoned in a dark alley at Akiba. Appears to be empty and in reasonably good shape.

What’s the rules here? Can I just take it, or is this likely part of some sting operation that I should be aware of?

I’ll walk around for a couple of hours just to see if someone else picks it up and if no one luggage?

  1. How are you sure it’s abandoned? You might get into trouble.
    Even if it had a ‘throw me away’ sticker for the city to collect it, it’s not legal if I remember correctly.

  2. If it has a disposal sticker on it, it’s definitely illegal to take it.

    Walking around for a couple of hours is too short. If it’s still there in a couple of weeks, contact the shop or dwelling closest to it and ask if it’s been abandoned. Otherwise, just to to a place like Second Street or Book Off.

  3. Legality aside, are bed bugs not a thing here? Luggage is prime real estate for those bad boys.

  4. Jeez. Taking luggage from the street corner for me is like getting someone’s free mattress off the internet, gross. Who knows what’s inside

  5. What in the world would make you think that you have rights to something just because it’s sitting somewhere without someone using/holding/guarding it?

  6. Reading the comments about complaining about how dirty it is…one day when the world turns to shit we will all be eating the arseholes out anything to stay alive. Toughen the fuck up.

  7. Thanks for the comments. I ended up NOT going back on that spot and just bought some cheap mid-sized luggage for around JPY5980 in Ameyokocho.

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