EDITORIAL: Power utilities put profits ahead of customers by forming cartels | The Asahi Shimbun

EDITORIAL: Power utilities put profits ahead of customers by forming cartels | The Asahi Shimbun


  1. Surely cartel conduct is illegal? I am no Japan law expert but cartel conduct … otherwise known as price fixing … is illegal in my home country

  2. > But Kansai Electric will likely avoid the fine as it voluntarily reported the matter to the FTC before April 2021, when anti-monopoly authorities conducted an on-site inspection over the case.
    The surcharge on Kyushu Electric has been reduced because the company also reported the allegedly illegal arrangement to the FTC.

    Maybe someone should investigate ties between FTC staff and those two companies too. It reads like Kansai Electric was allowed to participate in the scheme between 2018 and 2021 yet escapes the fine

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