Question about Instructor Visa

**Does the Instructor Visa allow one to engage in online freelance work unrelated to Japan? (Upwork / Online teaching etc.) (Or would the Regional Immigration Services Bureau need to be contacted beforehand for permission?)**

One of the things JET ALTs have in common, regardless of the school or location assigned in Japan, is that the majority of us are on Instructor Visas, so that’s why I am asking here. If anyone has any prior experience or knowledge relating to this matter, it would be greaty appreciated, as the last thing I want to do is jeapordise my position on the programme or damage my chances for a Visa renewal.

In case anyone is wondering why I am considering the prospect of freelancing in the first place: 1. money saving – (though more relatable for Tokyo JETs), 2. I like maintaining productivity (especially in the holidays)


  1. It’s against the rules of JET. I don’t know if there is an additional issue with the visa but work at your own risk.

  2. I’ll give you the right answer, and the not-so-right answer.

    The Right Answer:
    When you receive your visa it will be a labeled category “(E) As Instructor”. Then in the remarks it will say “JET Program”. At the end of the day, your visa was approved for you to work for the sponsoring organization, the JET Program and your assigned BOE.
    You are there to work for them and not someone else.

    The Not-So-Right Answer:
    If you were to seek additional income it is best done in cash (such as private English lessons), or through an online company, where pay and taxes are reported solely to your home country. If you choose the latter, be sure it is outside your assigned working hours and does not conflict with your actual reason of being allowed to live in Japan.

  3. There have been cases of ALTs (as well as CIRs) directly asking their BOE as well as CO if they can do additional work and were approved / went to immigration and got the OK. It’s not super common though but it won’t hurt asking .

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