Searching for an internship on a tea farm in Japan.

Hello i will keep it short. I have a huge love for tea since im a teenager. informed myself a lot about it and somehow got interested into japanese culture cause the culture reflects in the tea production a lot. so now i am looking for a japan experience on a tea farm unless there is a better way what i really cant think of. I want to learn japanese one year prior so i think it should work out with projects that require basic japanese proficency.

i would be much appreciated if someone had some nice information or even experience.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Searching for an internship on a tea farm in Japan.**

    Hello i will keep it short. I have a huge love for tea since im a teenager. informed myself a lot about it and somehow got interested into japanese culture cause the culture reflects in the tea production a lot. so now i am looking for a japan experience on a tea farm unless there is a better way what i really cant think of. I want to learn japanese one year prior so i think it should work out with projects that require basic japanese proficency.

    i would be much appreciated if someone had some nice information or even experience.

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  2. Internships aren’t really a thing in Japan. “Internships” on a tea farm ***definitely*** aren’t a thing.

    Based on your profile history you’re from the US, so your first question needs to be “Is there a visa for this?” The answer is “No, there is not”

    If you were from a country with a Working Holiday arrangement with Japan you could get a WHV and try WWOOFing, but you’re not, so you can’t.


    >I want to learn japanese one year prior so i think it should work out with projects that require basic japanese proficency.

    One year of Japanese study (particularly one year of part time study) is going to make you “barely functional” in Japanese, not “proficient”.

  3. I can’t help you find a place, but be incredibly wary of anything you find that does not explicitly discuss visa sponsorship. On a tourist visa you’re not allowed to receive remuneration for your work, and that includes room & board (also includes discounts on room and/or board).

    You’re probably looking at a cultural visa, which doesn’t allow you to get paid but there is at least some wiggle room in terms of benefits.

    In any event you’re not looking at anything long term. You’re not going to be able to have a career working on tea farms here. At best you’re looking at coming on for a season or two and then going home.

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