Incase anyone was wondering whether Softbank unlimited SIM is unlimited… Seems like it

In Germany the “unlimited” contracts often aren’t unlimited, they have a footnote that you’ll be throttled after x GB, so I was happy to see this doesn’t seem to be the case in Japan.

Have used 555GB this month and haven’t been throttled or anything. Seems to be unlimited as advertised, love to see it: [](

Would’ve loved to break 1TB, but can’t have everything.. maybe next month.


  1. Haha that is impressive.

    I think my max is around 68 GB in a month on docomo 5G Gigaho. No problems there either.

  2. I have unlimited data on my Softbank account and I use a lot of it because I stream music from my Apple Watch when I run and I use CarPlay from my iPhone whenever I’m in the car.

  3. > they have a footnote that you’ll be throttled after x GB

    that’s only if there’s congestion, and during their “peak” hours (like 5-9pm). They also have to type that by international Fair Use Policy.

    I work in a field that min/max’s sim data plans for video streaming. We use softbank almost exclusively because they’re the only ones that haven’t FUP’d us. Docomo has, AU has, Rakuten is fine but kind of hard to find cell towers consistently where we do our field reporting.

  4. Softbanks original run of “packehodai” was bullshit and they throttled me once. I never trusted them after and had nothing but issues with them till I cut ties and went with Linemo (even though thats still under softbank, you dont deal with them directly)

  5. Ugh Softbank website is sketchy, as always in Japan. Big price of “4928円” on website seems to have nothing to do with reality, it’s only after applying 3 new lines discount and home bundle. Full price seems to be 7238円/month for us normal people?

    I am using Rakuten now which is half the price, but seems double the trouble with their calls with this BS phone App that doesn’t work half of the times (yeah not fun trying to call hospitals with it and it not working…), their network connectivity being spotty, network failing for 5-10 minutes once in a while, etc. (which TBF happens to me with a phone not in their list of supported phones) has me pretty unhappy.

  6. ?? Is this news?? This has been known for years??

    All carriers are unlimited here.

  7. When my friend told me she used ~100GB in a month I already feel insane about that (she doesn’t install home internet, tether to laptop for general usage)

  8. Softbank on their lowest plan is absolute garbage. I often lose connection for 75% of a day to make any internet connection or cell connection.

    This is also with low price service providers such as sim cards.

    Lastly I use unlimited in everything TMobile and since they switched from Docomo to Sprint/Softbank they have they exactly same service as my $10 a month lowest price possible sim card. It’s got the lowest data rate at all times and doesn’t work 70% of the time.

    I’m not sure the exact speed but it’s 546mb s. Can’t even open web pages.

    This was using a Samsung Galaxy ultra 22 on T-Mobiles service.

    I had to buy a 3rd party mobile wifi.

    Docomo worked great before TMobile bought them and switched to the lowest of softbank/softmap in Japan

  9. It seems to be – I have used up to about 1T and had no issue.

    About a year ago I had some throttling issues (dropping to 3G, not loading) but it seemed to just be that one month and I’m not sure why.

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