Employer refuses to sign proof of employment for hoikuen/youchien

Looking for a little advice and hoping for a work around…

My wife and I moved to Japan at the end of February for my work. I am an American citizen working with a Jominshyo and my wife/kids are Japanese national.

Both of us work for American companies and my wife’s employeer has allowed my wife to continue to work remote for a California office while living in Japan.

While seeking daycare for our youngest child we hit a snag and have no idea how to deal with it… for application to the daycare system we are supposed to show proof of employment for the last 6mo. The problem is that my wife’s employer (boss and now HR) is refusing to sign/acknowledge that she has been working for the company. Just flat refuses to signthe form (even the english version).

Is there any workaround to give the ward office proof of employment if the employer refuses to acknowledge she is employed? I’d love to just staple copies of her pay stubs… but don’t know what would be accepted.

Thanks in advance!

  1. Serious question. If you came here in February and your form says 6 months employment…. I would also not sign it because that’s a lie?

  2. I work freelance and we had to submit an overly complicated Excel sheet of my hours, basically self reporting. YMMV but talk to your ward office or city hall. And don’t be discouraged by one person telling you no, come back on a different day.

  3. Her contact and copies of the last six months of paycheques would maybe do the trick.

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