story based mobile games (beginner)

are there any mobile games that are story based (n5-4 vocab) for iphone? It doesn’t have to be anything complicated, just a cute game with simple sentences. I’ve been trying to incorporate Japanese more in my daily life while still making it enjoyable and fun.

  1. There are visual novels. They’re technically considered games, but reading the story is anywhere from 90% to 100% of the playtime.

  2. There’s a series of romance games called 好きになったら負け . Maybe wouldn’t recommend if you’re a straight guy 😉 but there are I would presume similar games with female characters.

    They are very trashy but the gameplay loop is simple. A character messages you. You pick one of three responses, which will get you a good, bad, or meh response. If you pick enough good responses you get a happy ending. If you say 好き you lose.

    Don’t think you’ll find any real game that limits itself to n4 vocab so you should expect to have to look up some stuff.

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