Are stool tests available here?

I’ve been to doctors left and right and am always denied stool tests. They’ll give me somewhat invasive imaging but don’t even think to try to get a stool sample which is a horribly common thing for GI docs in the US to do.

  1. Usually they require it on medical checks if you’re over a certain age (I believe 40?) So they’re definitely available. What are you asking the doctors specifically?

  2. What type of test are you looking for? Occult blood tests are an option at my yearly medical, but they’re aren’t going to pick up anything an colonoscopy wouldn’t.

  3. Not sure what you’re talking about, every health check I’ve had we got a little bottle and a bit of paper for stool samples…

  4. My annual company health check makes us do one each year and usually the target you shit on is sent to your house and you do it and bring it with you on the day of the test. I am 30 and still it was mandatory….

  5. They certainly are! In my experience, they are taken at annual tests as standard, and pretty much any time you rock up to the doctor complaining of indigestion.

  6. Every year’s company medical test I’ve done has asked for this. Little baggie with two vials and an instruction page that has a drawing of a little shit character explaining what to do

  7. Dang, been doing health checks for many years twice a year since I work night shift. 31 and never had to do one for health check. I did have to do one prior to a colonoscopy at 26 due to major stomach issues.

  8. Last time I had stool test in Japan was when I was working part time at Bento. It was about 7-8 years ago. Had to submit stool to company every month. they would provide test tube shape kinda plastic filler , with cear swab like inside. Just a tiny bit of stool in it, keep it inside testube and close the lid, attach the name and worker id and drop to collection box at company.

  9. This is not only for stool tests, but for almost all tests, including X-rays and blood tests.

    If you have symptoms and your doctor deems it necessary to perform a test, you can have it done.

    Here, you cannot tell a doctor to give you this medicine or that test. The doctor will be punished for unnecessary medical treatment.

    But it doesn’t matter if the clinic is not covered by insurance. Look for that type of clinic, not a big hospital.

  10. That’s wild. I could be in a car crash and I think the hospital I go to would still want a still sample.

  11. They send out letters every year asking to send stool in for a free analysis iirc.

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