Orizuru and senbazuru

Hi! I am currently working on making a senbazuru. I am nowhere near 1000 yet but we are working towards it.

I am wondering, is there a word a series of orizuru strung together, but less than 1000 of them?

I have tried looking this up but can only get renzuru to come up, which is a different thing.

So basically, I have about 100 of them strung together now. I had been referring to them as senbazuru but now I understand that is wrong. So is there a word for referring to a senbazuru in progress?

Thanks in advance for any help!

1 comment
  1. I’ve actually never thought about that. I’d wait for another native to weigh in but the number 1000 was originally just selected to mean many and cranes were always a symbol of good health and luck.

    I received a going away gift from my Japanese school friends long ago during an お別れ会 (I was due to fly back to Australia) and was given many but not 1000 cranes because they ran out of time. It was a lovely gesture and I think they called it a senbazuru back then even though the number wasn’t exact. It was v impressive though!

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