Highly Skilled Professional Visa or General Worker Visa

Hello everyone,

I will work for my Japanese parent company in Japan for a year and then return back to my country. I have enough qualifications (PhD etc) to get HSP, but having talked with the person in company arranging the visa, he said it requires more paper work, scrutiny and money. He said, being a 1 year assignment to Japan, it doesn’t make sense to get HSP. I tend to agree but would welcome everyone’s thoughts about getting this even though I have planned to be in Japan for one year. Do I get a lot of benefits (immediate and future) if go the route of HSP vs Worker visa.

Thank you

  1. Are you a regular seishain employee or a temp on a fixed term working arrangement? The latter may be hard to justify an HSP. HSPs are tied to employers and 1 year probably won’t qualify.

  2. >he said it requires more paper work, scrutiny and money. He said, being a 1 year assignment to Japan, it doesn’t make sense to get HSP.

    Ultimately, if your company isn’t willing to do the legwork for a HSFP, you’re not going to get a HSFP. They’re the ones who have to do the paperwork, so ultimately it’s their call.

    As to whether it’s worth it in your case? If you’re only doing a one-year stay, I honestly don’t think it is. Most of the “flagship” benefits of the HSFP are really only benefits to people staying in Japan long-term. Things like shorter time to PR, the ability for a spouse to work full-time, and the ability to bring parents as caregivers if you have kids… All of those things won’t matter if you’re only on a one-year assignment.

  3. If you don’t need to bring someone (other than a spouse) to watch your kid(s) and it will only be for a year, I tend to agree with your employer. The internal transfer would be much simpler for everyone.

  4. > He said, being a 1 year assignment to Japan, it doesn’t make sense to get HSP.

    Yeah this. He’s right. you yourself said you don’t have plans to stay beyond a year. There’s no point unless you need to bring an adult dependent, like a parent.

  5. > Do I get a lot of benefits (immediate and future) if go the route of HSP vs Worker visa


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