Studying at Sophia, living in Shinkoiwa, feeling very overwhelmed

Hi Today was my (21M) first full day of Tokyo and I love it here! Very excited for Sophia and the rest of my time here.

We have our first period of no assignments where I can really do almost anything (3 days) however, ShinKoiwa seems pretty quiet and I’m not sure what to do. I want to experience Tokyo nightlife really badly, but can only do so on weekends, don’t know if I’ll have fun alone, and it doesn’t sound like much of the other students are into it too much.

Any good recs or advice? Doesn’t have to be about what I wrote, it can be anything you deem helpful! Still deep in the feelings of jet lag and shock that I even managed to move here to begin with lol

  1. Nightlife can be had anywhere in Tokyo but generally Shibuya and Roppongi for the typical establishments.
    Do you want a club? Bar? What kind of nightlife are you looking for?

  2. My advice would be to calm down a bit and be patient. Explore your local area and get your bearings, focus on finding what you need locally like where you can have dinner and all of that. Another idea could be to hit some bars on your own if you’re comfortable with that.

    You could also do some tourist stuff. Go to Asakusa and walk around, walk along the river. You’re also not far from Akihabara which is fun.

    But generally I wouldn’t sweat it, because when the semester gets into full swing you might find there are times when you need a few days rest on your own lol.

    If you have to go out though, probably I’d just go to Shinjuku. Go and experience a Hub, go to golden gai and then walk around Kabukicho a bit. You’ll probably meet some people. Stay safe though.

  3. Try your local branch of The HUB. You’ll arrive alone but you won’t leave alone.

  4. Check out Meetup, always lots of groups in shibuya on the weekends good mix of foreigners and japanese good drinking events on the weekends

  5. I’m also studying at Sophia this semester! I arrived in Tokyo a few days ago and am living in the outskirts of Shinjuku. I’d love to meet up if you’re open to it, I am also really excited to experience the nightlife. I’ll send you a message!

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