First Time Translation Check / Suggestions

I’ve been writing a constitution (in english) and decided to try translating a bit of the preamble into Japanese, mostly just out of curiosity/boredom.

I’m certainly not fluent in Japanese, but I think I do have a good grasp of most of the grammar rules and sentance structures. Vocabulary is my main shortfall. I’ve got a couple of apps/websites which I trust that I’ve used as resources, but this is the first time I’ve tried something like this so I’m not exactly confident with what I’ve got.

Basically I’m wondering if it reads anything like its supposed to and if the words/kanji I’ve used are appropriate for the context. I’d really appreciate any feedback.




The english version is as below;

>We, the representatives of the population of the planet Earth, have gathered in parliamentary assembly, in fulfilment of previous agreements, with the collective goal of assuring justice, equality, peace and prosperity throughout our nations.
>We hold these ideals to be true; That all persons are equally ascribed with inalienable rights assured in this Constitution; That, to assure their rights, governments of people must be established, assuming their just powers from the governed by order of ethical necessity; That whenever any form of government becomes detrimental to their rights, it is the right and duty of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to establish new government to assure their rights.

PS. I couldn’t figure out how to do furigana. Apologies in advance.

  1. Unfortunately I don’t have time right now, but have you taken a look at the [translation of the US constitution in Japanese](

    It might give you something to compare to and use as a resource for vocabulary and how things are worded in official documents. Looking at the Japanese constitution (憲法) may also be helpful.

    Here’s the [Japanese translation of the Declaration of Independence ]( as well as an additional resource.

  2. The English is already wrong and translating based upon a weak basis isn’t ideal.

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