Furnished 6 month rental in Nagoya

I’ve been looking through the housing wiki for r/movingtojapan, and had trouble finding anything for someone who plans on staying in Nagoya for 6 months on a Working Holiday Visa. I’ve been doing some research, and found very few relevant housings. I found a service called Interlink, but I’m unsure of its legitimacy (anyone know if it’s legit?).

Do you recommend any agencies I could contact either online, or as I arrive in Japan? I’m aware of the fact that it’s very difficult to get an apartment without being in Japan, especially as I’m looking to rent monthly. Regarding guarantor services, I’ve looked into that as well, but any input is very much welcome.

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  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Furnished 6 month rental in Nagoya**

    I’ve been looking through the housing wiki for r/movingtojapan, and had trouble finding anything for someone who plans on staying in Nagoya for 6 months on a Working Holiday Visa. I’ve been doing some research, and found very few relevant housings. I found a service called Interlink, but I’m unsure of its legitimacy (anyone know if it’s legit?).

    Do you recommend any agencies I could contact either online, or as I arrive in Japan? I’m aware of the fact that it’s very difficult to get an apartment without being in Japan, especially as I’m looking to rent monthly. Regarding guarantor services, I’ve looked into that as well, but any input is very much welcome.

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