Hearts Corporation or Joytalk?

So recently, I applied for Interac and my online application got rejected instantly. Borderlink hasn’t yet replied to my online application from last month so I am considering applying for some other ALT dispatch companies. I am a Non-Native English speaker so I can’t say that I want the best one (like Altia or some international school) cuz beggars can’t be choosers. I just want to get an ALT job irrespective of reputation of the company at this point.

So, I have decided to apply for either Hearts or Joytalk and just Wanna know which one of them is the better company overall?

  1. Do you have 12 years of schooling in English? If not you can’t get an instructor visa and no alt company will hire you

  2. >I applied for Interac and my online application got rejected instantly

    Really? Are they back to being super selective or something? Did they giveany sort of reasoning?

    As for the other two, Forget them. HEART is BAD. Joytalk is also BAD. Just look up reviews. Sure, you don;t often gethappy people writing reviews, but if someone is upset enough to go online to write a long, angry review you know there’s a problem. INTERAC isn’t all sunshine and puppies, though.


    That beingsaid, if you are non- native, that’s not an issue, generally. The issue is if you don’t have that all important requirement of 12 yrs of education in English.

  3. You being non-native is not the issue. What country are you from? Do you have 12 years of education in English or the equivalent?

  4. When you submitted your application to Interac, what was your heart rate? If your BPM was below one then they won’t hire you.

  5. I’m not sure about ALTIA’s preferences for countries but I work there and it ain’t hard. I would apply if you want to. ALTIA, IMO used to be a good dispatch company, currently on a possible downward trend.

  6. Dude how many times do you need to be told? They’re not gonna hire an Indian unless you already have a work visa.

    My friend who is blonde and Swedish struggled to find a teaching job and her English is immaculate.

    And this was BEFORE Covid when jobs were aplenty. God knows how bad the market is right now.

  7. Hi, what you’re currently experiencing is known as linguistic racism. This is prevalent around the world, people who speak heavily accented English are often overlooked or ignored. “You speak different than me, so obviously your ideas/skills/contribution has no merit.” The fact that you are a native speaker of English is conveniently being ignored by these companies hiring departments because (in their opinion) the pronunciation and intonation of Indian English doesn’t tie in with the standard American English accent they are trying to sell. While you’ve said you want to teach in a school setting, that is unlikely to happen. Most dispatch companies aren’t going to take the chance that the teachers in the school might find you difficult to understand, that could be perceived as a black mark against them and they won’t risk that.
    On the upside, you should be happy about that. The dispatch world is one of the worst work environments I’ve encountered. They have one goal, and that is to have you earn them as much money as possible and they will cut you at a moments notice if they think you might cost them money.
    Honestly I think the best option for you is to go the eikaiwa route initially (a lot of them use having a variety of different English accents as a selling point and are open to hiring people with strong accents), once you’re in the country and with a bit of teaching experience under your belt, looking at schools would still be an option. Also, the Indian school in Tokyo often recruits English teachers locally.
    Btw I’m also aware that I’ve been making the assumption that you speak heavily accented English. That’s also linguistic racism… so, sorry! Best of luck. Also, ignore a lot of the answers in this thread… there are a few people here making jokes at your expense. DM if you have any questions… I’d rather not get in a fight with some of the trolls on the Japanese Reddit threads…

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