Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (April 02, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. I have a hard time distinguishing なります and あります in spoken audio, especially young anime characters where that first な sound can be very soft, and since there are very many contexts where something can become something or be something, context doesn’t help. Any advice for telling them apart?

  2. Hello, just wondering if anyone else had this issue with the Mylanguageexchange. After I created an account; I tried to look for teachers, but whenever I tried to press contact teacher then it has you have to log in even though you’re already logged in then once you put the correct info in; it’ll always say there’s something wrong with password/e-mail.

  3. Is “-Ochasen” no longer a thing on MeCab?
    I have the following code:

    import MeCab
    mecab = MeCab.Tagger(“-Ochasen”)

    And I’m getting this error:

    Failed initializing MeCab. Please see the README for possible solutions:
    If you are still having trouble, please file an issue here, and include the
    ERROR DETAILS below:
    ——————- ERROR DETAILS ————————
    arguments: -Ochasen
    [!tmp.empty()] unknown format type [chasen]

    I can work with ‘-Owakati’ just fine. It’s this that is causing me trouble. Any ideas?

  4. Is there a Japanese equivalent of the word “actually” for this context? Example:

    Person: Have you been to this restaurant?
    Me: Actually, yes! I came here last week with my friend

    (Senshu watashi no tomodachi to koko ni kimashita)

  5. [https://imgur.com/a/Bjjtgix](https://imgur.com/a/Bjjtgix)

    Does the first guy (first sentence) use a certain dialect?
    「水無月の女はみーんないけずで気ぃ強いし」—> みんないけずで気が強い right? Not 気強い because apparently 気強い & 気が強い have slightly different meanings and I feel like the definition of 気が強い fits better. But maybe they are the same, idk.
    「千鳥に言い付けるぞ」Have no idea what this means. Can’t find anything about it on the internet. Any ideas?
    「今のはナシで」ナシ means “pear”, as far as I know? What?
    「オフレコで」I don’t really get what this is suppose to mean in this context.

  6. Please confirm if my understanding is correct:
    どうせ死ぬときゃ裸じゃないか あれも夢ならこれも夢。

    No matter what, at the time of death we are naked. If that is the dream, this is the dream too. Is “this” and “that” are pointing to being born and dying? because we are born naked too.
    This is form a song あばれ太鼓

  7. Hello! I have a question on which direction I should take my Japanese. I’ve been learning every day for the past 4 months, just basic stuff. An Anki deck, Tae Kim’s, and some immersion here and there. After deciding to take another gap year before college, I thought I’d try to spend a lot more of my time learning rather than playing games all day. Should I try to get in more immersion? Take more new cards on Anki. Pick up the Remember the Kanji textbook and plow my way though that? Any input on how I should spend my time learning would be appreciated.

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