PLEASE do NOT join the “Animecards” Discord Community

This post is a WARNING. I joined the server expecting to find a nice welcoming community because I thought they had a nicely written guide but I was wrong. When you first join you’ll have to pass an N4 kanji quiz to get access to the whole server and I couldn’t pass it so I just decided to open the “beginner-chat” and holy shit what I saw… full of racial slurs and suggestive l0li images… I asked what the fuck was going on and they started insulting me too and sent me some DMs and holy shit I’m traumatized please don’t join. My dumbself opened not 1 but 2 messages with gore and poop videos before realizing what was going on and left.


  1. Yea this is old news and if you link to [animecards]( here there (normally) is a bot that sends a warning. The guide on the website is good though. Basically, just stay away from the discord (also known as the DJT discord).

    If you are interested in communities of this kind, you want to try TheMoeWay or Refold. Especially the former (TMW) has strict policies that are being enforced.

  2. Just so people are aware, the server he is referring to “DJT” has 2 filters in place which serve a few purposes.

    The first is a skill filter – the entry quiz. This simply ensures that everyone who joins the server has some baseline-skill in the language. This shows that they have passed the basics and have an understanding of how both Japanese and language learning works.

    The second is a community filter. There is a lot of toxic things, and if you can’t deal with it then you are, for better or for worse, “bullied” out of the community. This ensures that the server stays small and everyone there agrees on some large parts on real-world things.

  3. The owner of that server “QM” even went as far as doxxing a former member (who he banned), sneaking into a server he was in, taking screenshots, editing them, and then sending them to his schools administration hoping to get him expelled. Mind you, QM is a father and has the time to ruin an 18 year olds life. There is also rampant nonce talk, racism, sexism, and just 4chan degeneracy. Discord will never do anything about it though..

  4. Looks like you walked into a bad side of the town there pal, it is a good think you warn us. Discord has always been dodgy with things like this I don’t use it for that reason.

  5. Jesus christ… well.. i already deleted discord because of what i saw happened on there…

    Now there is no way im downloading it again… jesus…

    Thanka fkr this warning.

  6. the DJT websites themselves are decent enough though and I couldn’t see any overt racism on the sites themselves. But yes the general chats can be bad. It doesn’t necessarily mean that once you pass the N4 quiz and join it will be as bad but I really don’t care to know either.

    LivaKivi’s community might be worth joining

  7. 0___0 I am glad I stay away from Discord. I tried Discord once and got a bad vibe. Thank you for the warning, thats gross that, that is the way people are using their time. Did you try reporting the discord?

  8. Thank you for keeping redditors off it, you are doing a great service for the server

  9. Lmao they want to gatekeep but also are lonely as fuck so their version of a filter is a fucking N4 kanji quiz so that they’ll actually get someone. It’s so sad

  10. I’m not opposed to edgy humor and friend groups but that’s unfortunate to unexpectedly be subjected to such raunchy content like that in search of language education

  11. 28 / 146 pass rate, or 19%. That’s better than most reddit raids. Usually it’s high single digits.

  12. People smoking up the beginner chat because they can’t even pass the n4 quiz LOL. Bunch of dekinais getting angry over being dekinai. Pass the quiz then talk, until then keep being weird and chatting with other people who aren’t allowed access into the server. DJT is how I went from not being able to read even music lyrics, to being able to read LNs effortlessly within 4 months.

  13. Based server. I’ve said it several times on this subreddit. Like it or not the majority of major success stories involve use of their tools and the success rate of learning is much higher overall on 4chan then Reddit. Can’t tell you how many people on japanlife have lived in japan for 10+ years and can’t pass n5 the same is hardly true in the live in japan chan threads.

  14. Never taken JLPT before, that entry test really woke me up. Got in ~~3rd~~ 1st try 😉

  15. Ahh Yes lmaoo that server I left when I found out the majority of them were just white boys who loved saying nigga and other slurs. I instantly left when I found out that it wasn’t the community I was looking for shit was fucked up

  16. Joined
    I didn’t think the test would be kanji only
    Even an n1 version would’ve been easy under those circumstances

    Also, the people in the Japanese chat are much better than people from other discords at the language

  17. I remember redoing that test a billion times until it randomly gave me 10 easy kanji in a row, then once I finally passed, I proceeded to never actually use the Discord server.

    …Also, I thought loli was against Discord’s TOS, though you said “suggestive”, so maybe non-explicit is fine or something.

  18. I haven’t been practicing japanese long at all, and I can’t say I’m good at all yet. Thank you for this warning, I’m looking thru the downvoted comments and I can’t believe what I’m seeing. It’s truly heart breaking, A lot of people on this reddit understand that learning a new language is supposed to be fun, and it really is for me. These people are gross and you’re amazing for putting this out here.

  19. Joined the server, passed the kanji test and chatted for a few hours.

    My opinion is it’s just a buncha terminally online people with 4channer humor that can occasionally have some interesting conversations. I don’t mind the elitist/gate-keeping mentality, partly because it insures you only talk about people who know their shit (therefore no people going “*I really should be studying, but instead I’m just watching anime!*” like other servers are flooded with), but the humor there is really boring and overall the chat is just too chaotic IMO.

    Pure, concentrated autism can bring out some surprisingly interesting and deep conversations about niche topics, but I don’t think it’s worth spending time with terminally online people who are there just to distract themselves.

  20. Hmm can you only take kanji quizzes? Being able to take N1-5 quizzes from a bot actually sounds pretty useful, but not as interesting if it’s only kanji quizzes.

  21. Racial slurs? Oh god

    Loli pics? Awesome

    But yea that sounds like a toxic community.

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