Any experience with a sketchy postcard from JP Post?

Hello everyone,

I have recently moved out, and a few days ago I found in my mailbox a small green postcard claiming to be from JP Post. The card has the following text in English and Japanese:

Dear Customer:

Thank you for always using postal services. When delivering mail or percels, we check the receiver’s address against nameplate, or the Change of Address Notice previously submitted by customers.

However, as these methods cannot be used for mail addoress to you, it is not possible for us to deliver your mail. Therefore, we would like your cooperation in completing the reverse side by entering your name(s) and address.. Please post this card in a nearby mailbox at your earliest convinience.



お客さまへ いつも弊社サービスをご利用頂き、ありがとうございます。 郵便物等のお届けの際にお客様の表札、あるいはお申し 出のあった「転居届」によりお届け先を確認しております。 しかし、お客様の現在のお届け先が確認ができないため、 配達できない状況にあります。恐れ入りますが、お客様の 住所・氏名等をご記入の上、お早めにお近くの郵便ポスト に投函して頂きますようご協力お願い致します。

The back side of the card has fields for the address and names, however I found my name already there written in handwriting with “yes or no?” note.

I was wondering if anyone has received a similar postcard, is it legit from the post office branch or another scam? It’s also worth noting that I have already received some letters normally, so I’m not sure what the postcard is referring to.

Thanks all!

  1. You mean you recently move in?

    The postcard is legit. Just check back.

  2. Not sketchy, it’s normal if you’ve recently moved.

    Some regular mail will go through normally, but if it’s registered mail or a package, they would need to confirm the address.

    You can do this by either filling in the post card and sending it, or go to the post office in person.

  3. Normal and you should fill it. Sometimes even if my number not written and once I didn’t fill my address in full except city, postal and province and they still delivered it.

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