Explaining something by a sequence of causes and consequences (I did something because something happened, and that thing happened because some other thing happened)


Would it be grammatically correct to say something like お金がないから、バスに乗らないから、学校へ行きません。(I didn’t go to school, because I couldn’t ride the bus, because I didn’t have any money)?

If it’s not, how would I translate such a sentence?

Thanks for your help!

(also, sorry if I made any other mistakes, I’m still very much a beginner…)

1 comment
  1. I think it would be better to avoid repeating から by using a different form like ので or the causal て-form. Though you might not have learned these yet. Anyways I would say something like:


    also I changed the Japanese to past tense and changed the verb 乗る to the potential form 乗れる (*can ride*) to match the English

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