Recommended Textbook

Hello. I’m looking for a textbook that is specifically good at teaching vocabulary.

I have been on and off with Japanese with self-study and I have no idea what textbook would be a good fit.

My Japanese level now would probably be close to where a beginning N4 on JLPT would be, and my ultimate goal is to be conversational and maybe read some manga. I’m less interested in methods that put their main focus on business Japanese.

Would you recommend Genki or some other textbook for that purpose?

  1. For vocabulary there are some textbooks that focus on it, but I’ll be honest…vocab acquisition is all about repetition so I’d recommend reading as much content as possible (with furigana) and adding every word to anki…then review during the day…rinse and repeat

  2. genki is the standard recommendation I think, it doesn’t give you a ton of vocab, like I think around 1200 words and expressions, between genki I and II

    but that’s a decent start, after that I started reading books to really get way more words

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