Rakuten Google pixel 7

I am trying to get a google pixel 7 on the google japan store. i have a rakuten credit card, but tried to get it with my debit card to pay off over 12 months (the rewards for getting the phone are great) but to no avail obviously. For things such as smartphones, do you recommend paying it off one time, or using credit card to pay off over a contract?

  1. I got it on the Google Store using my Rakuten Credit Card, 0% interest over 12 months, nothing lost basically.

  2. Generally speaking, never use the installments thing on a credit card. Just stick to paying it off in full every month, and you’ll never incur a random fee by accident. A credit card is basically just for convenience and smoothing your spending over 1 month, I recommend never using it as more than that.

    You ought to be able to afford to pay off a mobile phone in 1 go, if you can’t then keep saving and you will get there eventually.

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