Seeing people off at the airport?

Hi all, I think I’m missing something here… we are finally heading home after working in Japan for over a year, and my closest colleague (and good friend) is insisting on coming to the airport to see me off. My company has booked a car to take us to the airport already, and we were planning on checking in and then waiting in the lounge. It’s a late flight and my friend has a young family – why on earth would they want to drive 1.5hr to the airport just to watch us check in? We’ve had farewell parties and dinners already! 😭
Is it rude for me to insist that they don’t come, or would I be doing them a massive favour… I’m so confused!

  1. They’ve got nothing better to do? Idk. I’d not worry much about it. Sometimes I’ll travel a long distance to the airport to see someone off. Just consider it to be a nice gesture. If they’re offering why care?

    Sometimes I just want to get out and go to the airport to watch planes come in and out for a bit and the see a friend off excuse is a great way to justify the trip out there.

  2. I’m so confused as to why you’re confused. Wanting to see your “good friend” off at the airport is totally normal in most countries. You should absolutely insist that they don’t go, but if they still want to, too bad.

  3. >my closest colleague (and good friend)

    Is that not answer enough? Go to the airport extra early, let them wave goodbye to you at the security gate, then go get drunk in the lounge. Sounds like a great day to me.

  4. Welcome to japanlife…Where people don’t know how to handle normal human interaction (because Japan!), the upstairs neighbors hang voodoo dolls from your overhead balcony railing, and the points don’t count.

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