Recommended language schools in Osaka

I’m beginning the process of enrolling in a language school and obtaining a student visa for 2024. I’ll be staying in Osaka for 1-2 years and would like to know more about the experiences of people who’ve taken language classes in the Kansai area. A few questions I have are:

1. Is 標準語 taught exclusively? Or are some curriculums presented in 関西弁?

2. Are most classes focused on students conversing with each other? Or more so one-on-one conversations with a native teacher?

3. How many study hours a week should be expected? Are students typically capable of balancing part-time remote work?

1 comment
  1. While I don’t have much experience with schools in Osaka proper, and the one I’m applying to is solely based on it letting me stay for only 6 months, I can at least answer 1 as I studied abroad at Kansai gaidai years ago. Don’t expect any course to be taught in Kansai-ben. Nearly if not every school in Japan will teach you standard.

    That said, 関西弁 is fairly easy to pick up. The utmost basic differences take a few minutes to learn and the rest you’ll hear over time. Anecdotally, I also found that my Osaka friends didn’t find it too strange when I used it, so you’ll have enough opportunity to practice without getting weird looks.

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