Has anyone already interrogated by the police for not wearing a helmet?

So today, I have decided to not ride a bike to station because I think interrogation time for not wearing a helmet will consume longer than walking to the train station.

Has anyone rode a bike and got interrogated by the police yet? How was it?

  1. Nope, passed numerous police on my way to the station. None of them even looked at me. Only person I saw wearing a helmet outside of the normal lycra crowd was the same person who always wears a helmet.

  2. Yes, but in their defense, despite the fact I was wearing a helmet, it wasn’t on correctly.

    Also, I was screaming about the 12kg of plastique in my pants and hating the government. Can’t hate people just doing their jobs, right?

  3. Yesterday I saw a police car parked with two policemen checking the traffic. 3 teenagers on bicycles without helmets rode right in front of the cop car and the police didn’t say anything.

  4. I used to wear a helmet but now I never do. I am counting down the days till I can have a confrontation with people that I can farm for upvotes. It’s going to be epic.

  5. There is no fine for not wearing a helmet. Just look in their eyes and move on.

  6. They had two police motorcycles zipping up and down the street yesterday stopping people who were riding on the road without a helmet. A laughable waste of resources. Perhaps they should be chasing those shitbirds on the uber bikes.

  7. Do you mean “Bike” as in “Bicycle 自転車” or “Scooter Bike / Motorcycle バイク”?

    I rarely see anyone on a bicycle with a helmet in my area, but you’d have to be pretty fucking stupid to not wear one while on a scooter or motorcycle.

  8. I don’t think this is going anywhere.
    I just went to grocery store and 9 out 10 bicycle I saw were not wearing helmet.

  9. Just wear a helmet.

    Your brain will thank you, and any passersby, when your skull doesn’t burst against the sidewalk like an overripe melon…

  10. In my years biking, I haven’t been stopped for not wearing a helmet. I have seen foreigners (who normally don’t wear helmets) get stopped for biking in the wrong direction though.

  11. Nope, riding the last 3 days past cops (with their helmets on) and nothing. I’ve seen an increase in kids wearing helmets – definitely a good thing – but other than that I’ve seen almost no increase in adult riders and helmet usage.

    There’s no fine or punishment for not wearing one. Do what you want.

  12. >I have decided to not ride a bike to station because I think interrogation time for not wearing a helmet will consume longer than walking to the train station.

    Seems like a good solution.

  13. First of all the police do not “interrogate” you for not wearing a helmet. At most they will simply stop you and remind you that it is now a new law. Albeit a law with no teeth since there is no actual punishment or fine for it.I ride my bicycle about 1-2 hours a day and have yet to be stopped for the helmet reason. (I wear a helmet on and off — depending on the weather and my mood.)

    I was once stopped for wearing earphones and warned. Another time I was stopped and given a free flashlight to attach to my bike. I already had a bike light, so he said to give it to a friend.

  14. Police can pull you over for anything they want 😂 if there was a stolen bike in the area they will stop you even if it was a different color than yours. Just be happy the jp police are just annoying and not USA police.

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