Garbage Disposal šŸ—‘ļø

hello, Iā€™m a Nigerian student who moved to Fukui about a week ago. Iā€™m trying to understand the garbage disposal rules. I am currently sorting out my Burnable Garbage and would like a comprehensive list of everything classified as burnable. I want to know if this includes cello tape, rubber/plastic bags etc.

  1. Usually your city hall/ward office will give you a booklet when you move in to explain how to sort your garbage as each place can differ on how they want you to sort it. Did you go to your city hall to register your address? It might be online, too.

  2. This depends on your city. When I was in Tokyo, I had to separate plastic packaging from the regular trash, but other cities didn’t require this separation. One city I was living in, there wasn’t an official city trash bag, but most cities you have to use the official city trash bag.

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