Offering to pay a higher rent to oyasan?

I applied to a house (to rent) and another person applied on the same day with me so the 管理会社 is doing 同時審査

I already passed 保証会社審査 but if the other person also passed, it’ll be up to the owner to choose the tenant.

I’m not sure how the owner (an individual) will choose me, idk what her criteria is for choosing her preferred tenant. It’s 50-50% chance now.

Do you think I can offer to pay more rent per month if they choose to lease the house to me? Is this something that’s common or have you done it before?

  1. If you’re willing to pay more to get the unit, go ahead and offer. I don’t think the offer could hurt.

  2. Unless the other person is also a foreigner, the landlord probably going to pick the japanese person.

    Otherwise they usually pick by job stability(income+how long you worked there)and how soon they’re may move out. Then its stuff like do they have kids are they single, etc

    Landlords in general rather have a tenant that pays on-time everytime for years to come than slightly more rent but will move out in a year.

  3. I have done it and regretted it later.

    Also, if anything, don’t offer more rent, offer more reikin because it’s a one time thing. If you end up living there for a long time, you’ll end up paying a lot more. For example, offer an additional 0.5 months of reikin.

  4. Here is another strategy. If the landlord is considering two applicants at once, that sounds to me like he or she is worried about the apartment being empty for too long. Perhaps a previous applicant canceled at the last minute? (You can ask your agent to ask about that).

    If that is the case, you could offer to start the contract early. For example, if you originally planned to move in on May 1st, offer to make a contract starting April 15th or so. That would give the landlord a bit of extra income and extra assurance. This depends if the condition of the apartment, of course, as it takes time to clean and repair the property before you move in.

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