General Discussion Thread – 04 April 2023

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what’s on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.

  1. Need to ask a question, if someone can help me with this one.

    Thinking to apply for PR with normal route, and these are my current conditions.
    – Stayed in japan for 10 years
    5 years on student (2 years language , 3 years senmon gakkou)
    -currently working in Japanese company as web dev( same company for 5 years+) with 正社員 status
    -Renewed visa (while working) 1yrs-3yrs-3yrs
    – Never missed a pension , tax or insurance payment (as it get deducts from salary)
    -holding specialist in Engineer/specialist in humanities visa and will expire on 2025 around December.

    Am I qualified to apply? With above condition.
    Would also like to add, I am living with my wife(on dependent visa) and we are expecting baby soon.

    I am bit confused on the part about 10 years stay. As should I count the 10 years from the time I step on Japan or after the time I switched my visa from student.

  2. I was walking in my local station yesterday. There was a mother and her 4 or 5 year old son. I guess the kid brushed against an old an old man. The guy goes into full on piece of shit crazy jiji mode, yelling at this little kid in the middle of a crowded station.

    Perhaps, reducing the number old people is the solution to the population problem. I’m sure a deal could be arranged with some developing country to take them. Be a piece of shit, go to Angola.

  3. Can’t believe I never noticed it, but there are shinsotsu new employee ceremonies where parents attend.

  4. I have such respect for people who translate creative writing. despite having no experience translating anything beyond humdrum office reports and the like, I’ve been roped into translating some short stories at the behest of a company VIP. I’ve finished the translations, but I’m editing it now and screaming internally at how clunky everything sounds to me. I can write whole-ass novels in English easy peasy, but Japanese… ugh. I need to read in Japanese more.

  5. Elections are on going in my area. I look forward to not hearing the shout-vans anymore.

  6. Exploring new career paths and find programming seems like a financially rewarding career choice in Japan with a minimum N3 level.

    Although I wanted to ask what does everyone else do for work? Has anyone else changed careers after coming to Japan from what they did in their home country?

  7. Is DnD popular in Japan? (outside of the foreign community)

    Saw the movie came out and has relatively good reviews. Figured I’d make a note to catch it when it arrives in Japan in 3 months. Looked at the release schedule and was pleasantly surprised to see it released the same day in Japan, with both sub and dub.

  8. Real talk: why is lack of intimacy post marriage/kids so normalized here? Is it because so many people grow up in families founded upon gaman? I saw my parents’ loveless marriage and decided I wanted a loving marriage but apparently everyone I meet disagrees with that value and just wants to mimic their parents. Or is the trend overblown and the real number of people who are like that is actually smaller? I just can’t get over the number of times I’ve seen others and myself become a victim of the mentality that a loving relationship is for “asobi” and robotic child-rearing while telling the husband to go to a soap is “majime.” Fucking mental.

    Second, related question, are there any child free communities here or are they all workaholics and hikkikomori? I prefer the slow life and the slow life only seems to attract the asobi robots out in the “real world” where I’ve yet to meet anyone open to child free relationships. They tend to shun relationships entirely instead.

  9. Feeling nervous about the house loan, banks are asking for 令和 4 年納税証明書 (this year), but tax office says not possible because they haven’t finished all the process as the official deadline for tax this year was mid March and they need 4 weeks to process.

    I am thinking, does it mean people shouldn’t apply mortgage in March??? I believe I am not the only one that can’t get this document from tax office, really feeling weird….

  10. You know what REALLY gets me in the mood for appreciating beautiful cherry blossoms? Politicians driving around shouting their names on loudspeakers over and over. Absolutely sublime experience.

  11. I need to go get my student commuter pass today. I read that you combine it with your Suica card. But since arriving I’ve just been using the Suica on Apple Pay.
    Does anyone know if I can combine the student pass with my Apple Pay Suica or should I get a physical card?

  12. I have to say, it’s hilarious to me hearing my colleagues complain about train tickets going up by *gasp*…¥10!

    Like, they have *no* idea how good they have it with the railways here. They’ve got literally the best system of any country on earth and it’s dirt cheap too. Going from my city to central Osaka is ¥270 for a 20 kilometre journey! That’s equivalent to £1.60 in the Uk where a journey of similar length and duration would *easily* cost you £10 or more.

    Realistically, JR and the other train companies could make urban rail jourrneys cost ¥400-500 each way and it’d still be ridiculously good value for money.

  13. My company pays about 25% less than the industry average. I have an offer to a much better position which pays higher than the average but is it unrealistic to base myself on that average and ask for what would be a +50% increase for me? Sooner or later they’ll get to see my 源泉徴収票 even if I don’t disclose my current income now.

  14. Going to buy a helmet today. Seems rather ironic that a day after the new bylaw (or whatever the classification it is) went into effect I crashed my bicycle and hit my noggin resulting in a trip to the er and a pricey CT scan. Just hope that my awesome curly hair doesn’t get flattened by the helmet, but I guess that’s the price I pay for the assurance of protecting my soft pink brain.

  15. Does anything like Fritos exist here? Not regular tortilla chips, little thick corn chip strips.

  16. Recently I’ve been considering putting out a booth at a craft fair/event/whatever.

    I’d especially love to serve food if I can and I’m wondering if anyone has experience they could share either selling food or crafts or whatever?

    (If it matters in terms of legality I’m on a humanities visa. I guess I’d need permission to work outside my visa scope but I’m not sure what else I’d need like tax wise etc? I’ve got the hygiene and sanitation permission stuff covered I think. )

  17. Background: Early 30s, I’m trying to transition out of teaching and into tech and have been studying CS at an online university for 2 1/2 years.

    I am starting to see why people never change jobs; just finished an interview and it felt like they were looking at a two headed dog. Why yes, I know I have no experience, that’s why I want to work and I can’t exactly apply new grad positions because I’m an unseemly early 30’s ossan and not a ぴちぴち new grad in their 20’s.

  18. I always kind of find it funny when my coworkers with their expensive headsets constantly have microphone problems, while the cheapest mic I bought at Yamada Denki works flawlessly.

  19. I have been needing to work ony negativity and mental state while in this country because so many factors at my job have just been crushing. I’ve risen above it and come out a much more adjusted and resilient man but fuck this job.

    I shouldn’t need to reinvent myself to survive office politics. This shit is aggravating!!!

  20. This week has been especially taxing on my mental at work. I have nowhere to rant and I just need some place to put this down

    >!-Work for BoE. BoE says, ‘you need to tell us well in advance if you want to request a day off’. Okay, let me request a day off (even though those days off are by law owed to me). Get send into a spiral of paperwork, arguments, emails, lectures about it being inconvenient, adjusting schedules. I’m starting to think you don’t actually care about it being in advance. In the end, get the day off, after nearly a month of adjustments. And they STILL bring it up in every meeting as though it was a big deal. MFER, THAT DAY WAS OWED TO ME! Next time, I’ll just call in sick and fake it! I was trying to not be an asshole but, fuck, for fucks sakes!!!<

    >!-Why the fuck are things that you need to schedule for not available to schedule before or after work hours, or on weekends? Fuck!!! I just had to reschedule my driving test again, and because I’ve had to reschedule it so often now I have to do another written test. OOPS!! Now I have to take off another day to do the written test, then schedule a driving test day, DURING THE WEEK, because you MFERS wont do shit on a Saturday or after work!! I’m beginning to think this country just doesn’t want you to get a license!!!!<

    >!-Why is reporting harassment/abuse at work such an INCONVENIENCE? I have literally had to harden my personality while here because of all the shit I get at work and you’re telling me that you can’t tell them to stop? Okay so you just let it happen? In the open? When I have proof? When I have screen shots? And suddenly I’m the asshole for bringing it up because I’m ‘creating a bad atmosphere’ or ‘hurting your reputation’?? FUCK YOU! Maybe don’t hire whackjob Americans in the first place! FUCK!!<

  21. Another PR question, if you live here say 5 yrs then 2 yrs somewhere else and come back do the first 5 yrs count?

  22. After going through trial by many fires at work, getting promoted a few months in and everyone realising how much I do and can do for the company, feels fucking good.

    President said he is relying on me and my opinion is valued in this company. Getting respect from coworkers who used to be quite passive aggressive/agrressive is also a euphoric feeling.

  23. What app do people use to browse Reddit over on their smartphones? I’m used to use the official Reddit app but moved on to “Apollo”. Was wondering if there are any other alternatives to it.

    Oh, iOS user here.

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