General Discussion Thread – 12 July 2022

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what’s on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.

  1. Anyone have a cooling pad for laptops? Are they good and worth buying? If so what type would you recommend?

  2. Are there any countries that stamp the passports of their own citizens when they enter and leave the country??

    The DL center wants me to show them my stamps from when I entered the U.S. after I studied abroad and then when I left the U.S. to come back. After talking with some friends from other countries, it seems like their home countries don’t either. Does Japan stamp the passports of its own citizens?

    I’m just taking them a ton of paperwork from my old job (pay stubs, tax forms, and the like) and university (attendance records, diploma, schedules, etc.) and my boarding passes from when I studied abroad (seriously like 20-something pages of proof I was in the U.S.) and am gonna hope that something works.

  3. I now have fiber thanks to Softbank 光 (and absolutely no thanks to NURO).

    From signing up to construction it took less than 10 days. The construction itself was 3 hours early and generally pretty quick and painless.

    I only have 600 Mbps down as opposed to the advertised 1 Gbps, but at this point I’ll take it because it’s infinitely superior to Rakuten pocket Wi-Fi or NURO’s two-month radio silence

  4. Products where the store brand/knock-off version is better than the brand name?

    The Mastumotokiyoshi brand of waterproof bandages is way better than the Band-Aid brand waterproof bandages. The former are thinner and have stronger glue while the latter are thicker with weaker glue so they’re sliding off your finger as soon as you finish washing the dishes. About half the price, too.

  5. My baby is 24 days old and he’s pretty much been sleeping on us exclusively. We’ve occasionally dozed off with him, but doctor said if we’re sitting up, and it’s safe around us, it’s normal but not ideal of course, so we’re typically taking shifts watching him while the other sleeps.

    But last night we tried his crib with a few tricks, hot water bottle, noise machine, right after a bath….and it was pretty good! Didn’t last too long but it was definitely progress and I feel hopeful. I know co-sleeping is pretty common in Japan, and im having my doula come by tomorrow to offer some tips and advice. This baby stuff has been a whirlwind but so enjoyable.

    Trying to get used to baby carriers tho with not much success 😭

  6. I find it hilarious that this is a country of modesty and indirectness, but literally every item on the shelf and advertisement on TV boldly claims that their product is NUMBER 1

    How can I choose if everything is number one? Won’t a woman on Line Voom explain the difference to me while dancing in gym clothes in her tiny gnarly apartment?

  7. Yesterday was a very good day.

    A theme I’ve seen in some TV shows is finding the balance of playing it safe versus being willing to take risks. I had to deal with that a little bit, and I took a risk. I don’t know yet if it will pay off, but it is what it is. I suppose life is about taking risks after all.

  8. Went home during a family tragedy in March and during that time, I transferred some money. Just less than 20K USD. It was my money, and probably a bad decision in hindsight given the Yen, but I have received something in the post that looks like a tax slip.

    This is my money and was always my money. It was from a wide variety of things, none of which have to do with working. Can they really tax me on this?

    Edit: All fine. Went to the tax office today.

  9. Does anyone use a muscle massager gun? I’m looking for recommendations and I’m itching to buy something (it’s Prime Day). Hopefully something within the 5000y to 10,000y range. Thanks!

  10. with Prime day going on, I’ve been looking at some mattresses after using a cheapo 1man one. Any experiences with a Koala or any other recommendations?

  11. Windows weather indicator for UV just went from 「非常に」to「極端」. What’s the bleeping difference?

  12. Anyone experienced in keeping your japanese residence(work visa) after marrying a sofa member? I won’t take the sofa status because I want to continue working in japanese company. But most likely will have a po box address which might make some problem here and there.

  13. I’m at McDonald’s right now and when I asked for ketchup for my M sized fries, they asked me how many I wanted.

    Did I commit a serious crime on the level of duty free fraud?

  14. I don’t enjoy fishy snacks. But I happened to try a spicy fried squid one from 7/11 and it’s like crack and I can’t stop. It’s so crisp and satisfying. It’s spicy but not mouth numbing. Summer heat kills my appetite but I could eat a million of these….

  15. God, why do I never learn that the taiwan mazesoba place next to my grocery is NEVER good for my digestive system. Especially since I have to bike uphill to get home from there. I feel like throwing up every time. That thing is a fucking drug is what it is. But it’s so fucking good…

  16. Moving out of our old boroboro apartment and there’s a tinge of sadness. Boxes everywhere… no curtains… what is this liquid coming out of my eyes?

  17. There’s a place in the city for a hobby I am interested in, but for the life of me I can’t motivate my introverted self to go.

    I’m way too self aware of my 日本語 and kinda scared of being made fun of.

    The road to making friends is arduous. Could use motivation over here.

  18. I got around 24000 points on my Rakuten account when I (unfortunately) signed up with then. I also have a Rakuten Securities account where I want to use the points.

    I remember reading here that there was some trick when merging the accounts. Does anyone remember that?

  19. My super right-wing ultra-nationalist wife asked me unironically if I went to Abe’s funeral. And it wasn’t even a part of some other conversation, just out of the blue she’s like “did you go?” I almost don’t know how to answer that. A simple no would suffice, but it feels like she doesn’t live in the real world anymore.

  20. Has anyone started a business and then applied for a business manager visa?

    I am floating the idea but I want to get a general idea before I start looking into it more and start asking accountants, etc.

  21. So I’ve been in Japan for 2+ years and got a new residence card in March 2022, I tried to open a new bank account at SMBC this week and they rejected me because I threw my old residence card away and so they said I had no proof of living here for more than 6 months. Even though I showed them a photo of the old residence card and my jyuminho with the date I moved here on it, they still wouldn’t accept any of it.

    This made me wonder: did I screw myself for PR? Will immigration also not accept anything other than old residence cards for proof of how long I’ve been here? Anyone know what proof is accepted for that?

  22. I wanna go hiking near chichibu, but read some stuff about bears. I never had to worry about that before, so I’m curious what to do. Should I buy bear spray? Should i abstain from going completely?

  23. I’m finally going to be taking my first major trip in Japan outside of my prefecture. Part of the trip is stopping for a day of sight seeing in Sendai. I’ll be taking the Shinkansen so I’m wondering if anyone has advice on where to store a small amount of luggage for the day. I’ll have a small suitcase (carry-on size) and maybe a backpack I would like to leave somewhere safe for the day. Are the lockers at the station my best option? I guess I’m mostly concerned if the larger size lockers are all taken, what could I do for a back up?

    Also, talking of Sendai, if there are any must go or must see places that anyone would recommend, I’d appreciate hearing about it.

  24. About taking the gaimen kirikae driving test at Fuchu, can anyone tell me how long is the process after taking the test?

    I’ll be taking the test at 8:30am but I’m trying to figure out if I need to take a half-day off and go to work afterwards or take the whole day off.

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