Any advice

I’ve been learning Japanese for a while but I feel like I don’t know enough I’ll admit I barely practice which is probably why I feel this way. I feel like I should quit but I also feel like I should keep with it any advice?

  1. Progress is progress no matter how small. But it depends on how you’re studying

  2. Biggest advice? Practice. You know the issue, so you can fix it. Not much else i can say without knowing how far along in your studies you are. A tip to help you get in study mode is having a designated area and making it short chunks of time- for example, clean off your desk and set a timer for 15 minutes each day. You must do the minimum, but if you find yourself going over that’s extra study! Having a designated spot can help you get more into the mindset and routine of it.

  3. practice and write down how much you practice

    because it may be a different amount than you think

  4. Try to identify where you are and set some goals.

    It’s hard to progress when you feel like you’re just on a boat spinning in circles on a big lake.

    Be consistent, even if it’s a little at a time. 15m goes a long way each day.

    Once you hit n4 ish get rid of the English subtitles. It’ll be hard, but your brain will start filling in gaps better and better as you study.

    Netflix and Disney plus have japanese for most of the big shows, even non j dramas. Lost in space and the Witcher, for example.

    Get a two subject journal just for things you hear on tv/in music/etc.

    Pause and rewind as much as you need to. Watching should be actively trying to interpret but also you intentionally working through things you hear that are unfamiliar.

    Use youtube resources. They’re so important and accessible these days.

    They’re not fun, but grammar youtube channels are going to be a huge boost for your language understanding.

    Again, use a journal. Textbooks aren’t going to be the only road you take. Even if you write down stuff to work on later. Don’t let any opportunity pass.

  5. >I feel like I should quit but I also feel like I should keep with it any advice?

    Do you want to quit, or not? No one can force you about this, and it’s entirely up to you.

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