In a JLPT n5 grammar practice question: why is を (the one in 「」) used in this sentence? And what is the meaning of 気 in this sentence? 道「を」わたるとき、車に気をつけてください。


Here is the image of the question.

  1. Personally I think the brackets (the 「」) are just used to help identify the answer visually. 気をつける means to be careful / to watch out for

  2. Because the thing 道 you are crossing わたる is the object of that action, and therefore uses を. Some similar phrases 道を歩く (to walk a path), 空を飛ぶ (to fly (through the sky)).

  3. を when used with directional/motion intransitive verbs (e.g. 渡る, 歩く, 走る, 通る) indicates the space/location through which said verb is performed.

    気を付ける is a set phrase meaning “take care/be careful/be mindful”.

  4. を marks the direct object in a logical clause. For example, パンを食べる means “I eat bread”.

    Please note that this has to be directly transitive. If I wanted to say “I talk to Mary” it would be incorrect to translate that as “私はメアリーを話す”. That would translate to “I talk Mary”, as if Mary were a language I were speaking. It’s ungrammatical. The correct particle would be と or に instead of を.

    Here is a short video that may help for my favorite Japanese grammar YouTuber who dose her videos in English. This has been one of the single best resources in my learning.

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