How useful is online masters degree?

I’m a software dev. Thinking about getting a master’s degree in PM by studying in the evenings. Not sure how feasible or if it’s even useful at all.

1. Is online master’s degree seen as legitimate master’s degree in general? Is it any different in Japan?
2. Is it considered for PR points?

Thank you in advance.

  1. I got a master’s in IT online. It got me my current job. My undergrad degree was unrelated to tech, which is the only reason I got the master’s.

    To be honest, I don’t think they really check foreign degrees as long as the paperwork looks official and you can demonstrate knowledge in an interview.

    It’s easy enough to do. I worked as a teacher while getting the degree online, and I actually had a lot of work and unpaid overtime (some times went as far as skipping sleep to prepare class materials). I still managed to make it through the online program. Just didn’t have any free time, and skipped sleep sometimes.

  2. As other commenters mentioned, if it’s an accredited degree then it should be no issue, and should be counted as a normal degree when it comes to PR. It is at a Japanese uni btw? If so, then it would attribute massively to PR points.

  3. Online or not doesn’t matter, unless it’s something like an “online” university that doesn’t exist. Assuming it’s a real university, then it’s equal to a face-to-face accreditation – I guess hte actual university might have some bearing, as a face-to-face one might.

  4. I did an online masters degree in the UK that a *British headhunter* here in Japan mistook for being from a much more prestigious school. I have three PhD’s on staff, couldn’t tell you where any of them studied. The skills are what matters.

  5. Normally there’s no such thing as online degree. Even if you studied online you are supposed to have the same degree as the people who studied on campus. Which means that the usefulness of the credential itself is the same.

  6. Depends on whether YOU think you’ll get any ROI out if it.

    It used to be, that people went to college to learn how to create jobs, not get a job.

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