Napping in Tokyo

I’m going to Tokyo for 20 days in May with a couple of friends. Due to mental illness, I get bouts of severe exhaustion at least once a day, where I need to take a 1-1.5 hour nap, usually in the afternoon. Otherwise I can’t function through a day. It would be nice if I didn’t have to return to the hotel every time, if my friends or I want to explore the area some more afterwards.

Can you guys think of places where it’s possible to nap for a short time without it being weird or bothering anyone? Possibly net cafés or capsule hotels? Though I hope it isn’t too expensive.

It’s my first time in Japan, so I don’t know what to expect.

  1. You generally can not be in a capsule hotel from 10 AM-3 PM. Just FYI in case that comes up.

  2. Subways. Not kidding, you would need to sit up but the number people I saw totally passed out on the subway was crazy.

  3. I’m in Tokyo now and one of the things I am jealous of is that people here seem to be able nap anywhere and at any time. I have chronic insomnia and would love this.

    Anyway, find a spot to sit down and just go for it. No one will notice or care

  4. Napping on trains is really common. One time I was so tired I got on the Yamamote Line (the circular line), I only had to go one stop but also had an hour to kill before a dinner reservation, so I went in the opposite direction instead and took an hour nap.

  5. Manga Kissas are probably the best option but bring ear plugs! You could also nap in a big park like Yoyogi Park if the weather is nice or go to a super sento, they usually have spots where you can lay down and nap after going in the sento.

  6. Parks! A nap under a tree with a drink and a few snacks is great.

    Remember to have a wide brimmed hat and your sunscreen though.

  7. if you have a JR Pass, just hop on a shinkansen to wherever. get a window seat and take a little snooze. Those trains put me right to sleep

  8. Net cafes are basically made for this, but some may not allow you in if you can’t understand Japanese.

    A love hotel is an option but will probably be around 6000JPY for 3 hours.

    Karaoke is another option I think.

  9. When I was in Tokyo I saw salarymen sleeping in a Burger King, so I’m gonna venture *anywhere*

  10. Where do you nap when you’re out and about or traveling elsewhere?

    I don’t know your situation or if you’d be alone etc, but whatever works for you at home or in other places would probably work in Tokyo? Karaoke rooms or manga cafes or parks as mentioned by others are probably a safe bet.

  11. While I understand that you need to nap to get through the day, I wonder if your friends are OK with staying with you through it. I thought you would stay behind to nap and they could do something else during it. Did you talk it through with them to make sure they really are ok with losing up to 2 hours of their vacation per day for it? Sorry if I sound mean, I don’t mean to be – I just came back from traveling to Japan and there have been one too many arguments because people had to wait for others to be done with activities/sitting around because feet were hurting, etc.

  12. Nap on the Yamanote line. Go full circle and you won’t have to pay much! Your friends can wait in a cafe or bar.

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