Voice mail translations of m-flo 「kyo-to-kyo」?

Im sorry, I know translation request are not allowed, but I’m at a loss. I’ve been in love with the song called “kyo-to-kyo” by m-flo. My Japanese is really limited with only 1 year worth of college Japanese and years of just listening to Japanese music and watching anime while cross referencing translations. Im trying to figure out what is said as a voice mail at the end of the song. I am unable to find a website with the lyrics including the voice mail otherwise I would have tried using jisho to break it down.

I’m mostly playing it by ear and what I understand is that it’s an invitation to a party of some sort? Kyo means resonate and what resonates inside humans is love.

Link to the song: https://youtu.be/vp2Gn_zeXd4

  1. プラネットシャイニングへ、人類が宇宙旅行をしたこと。


    そして、SQUARE ONEの????のように、世の中にマルチバースが存在していること。




    To Planet Shining, human space travel.

    ~Somethig~ Ladies and Gentlemen took part in ~Somethig~ that is the best in the universe.

    And that there is a multiverse in the world, like SQUARE ONE ~Somethig~.

    What if all these existed in the same dimension?

    KYO, is a dimension that resonates in the heart.

    And what resonates in the human heart is love.

    In English, when we say this…

    What is Planet Shining and what is SQUARE ONE?Apparently, it is a reference to their other music album.Honestly, this seems poetic.

  2. I’m at work and can’t listen to the song but I read an interview with m-flo.

    Seems like they were inspired re multiverse through Rick and Morty and wanted to explore the various aspects of きょう and how they all make up today (今日)


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