Bi-Weekly Boss Premium Edition Questions Thread – 05 April 2023

As per usual, feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Why are most bathrooms in Japanese homes on the first floor? Typically in the UK or US, they are on the second floor with the bedrooms.

    Aside from not running pipes and saving money, is there another reason?

  2. Another question for the day: I have a Yuucho account, which is… not great, and I’ve been thinking about opening a second account elsewhere. I keep hearing about Sony Bank, is it a good second bank to have? Is there anything I can’t do with these two, that would require me to make a UFJ account or something?

  3. We are expecting a baby this September or early october. Wife`s visa is dependent visa under me and I am seishain in Japanese company. Been working for 5+ years.

    However I am looking to change the job as I have been applying many places . So I have recieved some positive feedback from the places I have applied. But I havent take a decision yet.

    My question is, what will happen to our insurance if I switch the job now? Regarding visa, we just renewed it for 3 years. Also regarding new job, If right offers comes up, is it good timing to change the job ?

    I havent yet submitted the “Direct payment system form” to my employee where about 420,000jpy will be paid by insurance.

    What happens If I submit direct payment system form to current employee and switch job or is it bad idea? and should I submit to new place if I change place?

    My main question is ot ok to switch job now(before labor) or is it bad timing?

    Thank you again.

  4. What is this NHK everyone is talking about? I’ve never heard of them

  5. There was this combination of drugs a doctor gave me long ago that was effective. I’m in need of it again and I have a picture of what it is. Can I just go to any naika and say “I want this” and get a prescription?

  6. Anyone finding good stores for Easter stuff? Checked two Kaldis and it was the same thing. Some chocolates, peeps, and overpriced cheap-looking “baskets”. I’m thinking I can go to Daiso for a basket hopefully, but interested in chocolate bunnies, maybe an egg dying kit.

  7. A little language question, if I want to change my Yuucho account into a resident’s account (after 6 months residency), how do I ask for it?
    Also, does this needs to be done in the branch where I opened the account, or is it possible to do it in any branch?

  8. Does anyone ever go camping (around tokyo) bringing equipments without a car? Is it actually possible?

  9. Is the smartphone app the only way to use a credit card to automatically top up an IC card (Suica)? I looked around on my eki-net account or see if there was another way but couldn’t find anything.

  10. I’m pretty sure I know the answer, just double-checking – I have a SmartEX reserved shinkansen ticket for early tomorrow morning, but I’m not gonna be able to ride it. Changing the time through the system in a pain in the ass, so I figure I’ll just go through the gates when I can and either ride non-reserved, or have them change my ticket on the fly. This will work, right? I’ve done this before, but only for a few minutes of difference. This is going to be several hours.

  11. Hii! Do you guys know in which park does this [stone reflexology path]( available in Tokyo?
    not sure what it’s really called so cmiiw.

    I know I can buy one in tokyu or the likes, but looking for some available one in public that’s man-made

  12. Mostly asking cuz I’m hurt now 🙁 girl I confessed before said no and to remain as only friends (she also implied that she was meeting other people at the time) to which I accepted but never invited her again or sent any other message tho, I still liked her I would occasionally check her Instagram, it’s been 2 months since then and I got unfollow and removed from followers this week, she has like 1000+ followers and 3 or 4 people in common but only I was removed, why would she take the time to sort through all them followers just to delete me ? :,(
    Not really expecting an answer just mostly venting, was thinking of inviting her again after 5 or 6 months or maybe never but still hurts that only I was put outside

  13. Wait, my number card is only valid for a year? We have to make a new one every year? WTF?

  14. Is it just me or is it really hard to find unripe bananas in Japan? Everywhere I go the bananas are quite ripe and go bad within a week. I haven’t seen an unripe banana for years.

  15. Can anybody recommend a good Japanese tv series?

    I want something I can watch with my wife. We like shows about killers, crime, cops, things like that. This isn’t a post complaining about the state of Japanese tv productions, but I need something with a bit of a budget. I don’t seem to be able to concentrate otherwise. So decently lit, shot, some people in the background etc. I can accept the difference in acting style, so I’m not completely unreasonable.

  16. going out of country on vacation for 2 months.
    Is it possible to pause utilities like gas, electricity, water and internet?

    I can just disconnect internet its fine, but wondering about Tokyo Gas, Tokyo Electricity and Tokyo water.

    Thanks in advance

  17. Looking for a gift for my friend’s daughter.

    She loves Inumaki from Jujutsu Kaisen, so I thought I’d get her something of his from Amazon. Is the stuff on Amazon generally okay, or is it mostly crap/knockoffs? Should I not bother? I’m not well-versed in character goods!

    I mean, she’s only 12/13 so maybe she wouldn’t really care? Or would she? Haha. I don’t know what kids are like when it comes to this stuff. I just don’t want to get her something that’s very noticeably rubbish

  18. Want to apply for Highly-skilled Professional Visa in Japan. Can anyone tell which office to visit in Tokyo ? I’m living around Bunkyo-ku and Kita-ku.

  19. Anyone fly out from Haneda’s international terminal recently? I usually get there early to shop/chill, but a lot of stores shuttered due to COVID. Just wondering if the shops have more or less returned to normal; I had to scramble to find lunch last time I went.

  20. Got a little less than 2 weeks vacation coming up and own a camping car located in Chiba.

    I’ve never been to Shikoku and Kyushu and I want to go to one of those. Which is better in your opinion?

  21. How do you confirm your identity with Apple Japan without a drivers license? I recently bought a new iPhone thinking I’d be able to trade in my old one for a 3man discount, but after several unsuccessful attempts at uploading pictures of my passport, health insurance card and residency card my trade in got cancelled, and I’m stuck paying the full amount which is BULLSHIT. They said it was because the names on the ID don’t match (katakana vs English) but what else am I supposed to do here?!

  22. Sooooo…. is this weak yen going to stay like this forever? It was supposed to be a temporary fluctuation, r-right?

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