What is sakura flavor, actually?

I enjoy most of the sakura flavored confections, and I’d like to try adding the flavor to my cookie recipe. I don’t think I’ve seen “sakura flavor extract” at the store, though, and since sakura goods come out weeks before the flowers themselves, there’s little chance it involves actual sakura plant. I assume that, like “bubblegum flavor,” it was developed in a lab, or is actually something else with a different label.

So, what is sakura flavor? Where can you buy it, or with what can you approximate it?

**Resolved:** Tomiz had a seasonal display of sakura stuff, including 30ml of flavor extract oil for ~¥800 and bags of salted petals for ~¥400.


  1. There’s Sakura extract and Sakura flavored powder you can get on Amazon. I don’t know about about physical stores but maybe try Tomiz

  2. Good question. Its become one of my favourite flavours but I have no clue what it is. I even had Sakura beer which was surprisingly good.

  3. Sakura flavor is based on the scent of a Sakura tree, but yes, it’s artficially created like most flavors are.

    You can smell it when the trees are in bloom.

    But yes, you could probably buy sakura flavored syrup or other things to use given that sakura flavored things are available year round.

  4. It’s the flavour of salt-pickled sakura flowers (桜の塩漬け). You can get them at most stores that sell bakery supplies.

  5. It’s really sakura. (Well, maybe sometimes it’s artificial flavoring based on real sakura, idk, but real sakura is definitely used often enough.) You can buy salted sakura petals and/or sakura powder at baking supply stores such as Tomiz and Waltz.

  6. I’m pretty sure there are some real sakura flavor in some foods, but I’d guess it’s just syrup with pink food dye.

  7. **Resolved:** Tomiz had a seasonal display of sakura stuff, including 30ml of flavor extract oil for ~¥800 and bags of salted flower buds for ~¥400. The expiration date is about a year away, so you can stockpile for the year.

    Thanks for all the helpful answers!

  8. Stay away from anything sakura flavored from Starbucks — it tastes like children’s cough medicine. 😉

  9. To me, things with a sweet Sakura flavor taste like a mix of cherry and almond. They’re also very lightly flavored, so it’s just kind of a hint of that.

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