Possible to get a minor extension on visa while unemployed?

I have had to resign from my previous workplace owing to unmanageable circumstances, and am in the process of interviewing with multiple companies. However, there’s a good chance my visa will expire before I receive any offers(The hiring process with the company I most hoped and was most likely to get hired by, got unreasonably delayed due to their business situation).

How understanding should I expect Immigration to be if I were to ask them to extend my specialist visa by a couple of months, for some breathing space?


It seems that a 2 month extension can be gotten simply by making the extension application, whether likely to fail or not. I might do that if it comes to it, is it possible then to succeed in a potential application(after I get the 内定) if you’ve already been rejected once?

  1. I think you could only request a tokutei katsudo SOR. Then reapply for a working visa once you get a new job offer. Unfortunately, that would break the 5 year work requirement if you were hoping for PR.

    The 2 month extension you only get if you turned in an application for renewal which requires forms filled out by your employer.

  2. The 2 month extension is if you have all the documents including the ones from the company. Its also likely theyll call u within a week or so when they notice somethings a miss (with a week deadline in most cases)

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