Guy assaulting people on Odakyu line

On the Odakyu line earlier this evening and a ヤンキー-looking guy barges his way through the carriage; pretty violently pushing standing riders out of the way in the aisle, and even grabbing an elderly man standing by the door connecting the carriages and pushing him into a wall before opening the door and proceeding to do the same in the next carriage.

Everyone was naturally shocked and staring down the carriage to see what he was doing, but noone who he assaulted called the train SOS, not less the police, despite there being 防犯 cameras on the train.

Just wondering: do these incidents happen a lot? do people not trust security/police to deal with these kind of cases? And do people usually choose to let things go quickly and/or not like to escalate things even if they are affected?

Would be interested to hear your experiences!

  1. If you see it once, probably just a bad night. If you see the same shit multiple times, probably worth reporting.

  2. A similar case happened a few years back. A yankee looking dude was behaving that way (I think he was wasted) around Hon-Atsugi Station on the Odkayu Line and I was with my friend. We were standing and he came through pushing everyone. I moved out of the way and next to the door but my 6’3″ Egyptian friend decided to not move or maybe he didn’t notice. The yankee guy tried to push him but my friend pushed him back and literally threw him onto the floor. He got back up and yelled and continued into the next car. I wonder if it’s the same guy?

  3. It happens. I got into a shoving match with some POS in Nishi-Nippori who, in the way of such &$#@s, not only smashed his way through a crowd, but somehow made sure to only smash into women. Once I brought him up short, I noped out of there, knowing how much benefit of the doubt omawarisan would give a tall Gaijin dressed for business against an unshaven local in hammer pants.

  4. They probably didn’t do anything because pushing the emergency button would “inconvenience” everyone. The train would stop, the train conductor comes checking, goes through their safety procedure, maybe does something about that guy… that can easily take 10+ minutes and would delay not only that train but all others on that line.

    Not saying letting it slide is the right thing but that might be the reason no one did anything.

  5. This does happen once in awhile.

    > pretty violently pushing standing riders out of the way in the aisle

    How do you know it was violent?

    Was it during rush hour or the train packed? Honestly, if it was either or or both, it probably wasn’t so violent as you think and it does happen where people do barge in and try to make their way into the train.

  6. Maybe they felt nobody would back them up. And the nutter knew that too. Because it sounds like that’s what happened.

  7. > do people not trust security/police to deal with these kind of cases?

    They didn’t push the emergency button for the same reason you didn’t.

  8. I saw a guy but he was destroying stuff around the station. RIGTH in FRONT OF THE KOBAN> I called them and he ran away. They calmly walked on his direction. Doubt they got him.

  9. I’m someone who is self-concious to the point of crippling anxiety if I accidentally brush someone with my coat flap. What possesses some people to act like total bastards (or in this case, criminally dangeorus lunatics) I’ll never understand.

  10. I’m always amazed about what shit people can get away with here in Japan.
    In the U.S. these kinds of people would get their ass beat

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