gf wants to pay NHK fees

She read [this article]( and got scared that we’ll have to pay double fees if we don’t sign up and start paying, so she wants to sign up and start paying.

My arguments against it:

1. How do they even know you have a TV?
2. How do they prove for a fact that you have a TV?
3. Even if they do, how do they prove when you installed the TV? You can say “I installed it last week” and just pay that month’s worth which has to be cheaper than start paying now.

Please post any links or information that will help me convince her to not throw money away

Update: Thanks for the feedback. I really morally disagree with giving any money to the NHK given that they collect fees through intimidation tactics. But I have realized I was being a bit of a hard-headed ass on this stance. I’ve informed my gf that I am correct in that they can’t prove you have a TV or when you got the TV. But she does watch NHK (I don’t) and if she wants to pay for the service, she can (I won’t)

Shoutout to the doofuses with the typical Reddit “bReAk Up” rhetoric for any relationship with a minor disagreement.

  1. Even though NHK is universally hated, it is also generally considered shitty act not paying NHK fee. After all, nearly 80% of people pay them.

    Does she want to pay them out of fear only? It would be off putting to her if she consider not paying them is morally bad and you try to push your idea.

    Think of stealing wallet that is on the street, there is 0 chance of getting arrested but still majority would turn them to police.

  2. If she wants to pay, then let her have her fun. Just make sure, she pays out of her own pocket, not yours.

  3. While I understand the general hate on NHK I think it is fair to pay them if you actually uses them (you can actually set up an account without going through those door bangers btw).

    And vice versa If I don’t actually have a TV then I wouldn’t pay/unsubscribe.

  4. She has a different opinion to you. Why not just respect that and pay the money? It will give her peace of mind and make her happy, and see that you accept her feelings, even if you don’t completely agree or understand them.

  5. Look it’s all well and good to get free entertainment, I spent years as a pirate when I was a poor high school student whose parents didn’t understand what Netflix was and refused to pay for it… But seriously dude, if you’re consuming a service and you have the convenient option to pay for it, just pay for it.

    We all get lost in the sauce and forget that not paying for NHK is just stealing entertainment and come to different justifications for why it’s OK, but I don’t see you offering any justification beyond the idea that you can get away with it.

  6. Just wanted to say, it’s sooo much cheaper than a TV license in the UK.

    NHK = ¥15,120 per year.

    UK ≈ ¥26,160 per year

  7. Those aren’t really arguments for not paying so much as questions about excuses you could make for not paying, which, if you end up making them to the NHK folks, let us know how it goes.

  8. Why you all so obsessed with NHK, neighbors and who sits besides on a train is beyond me. Live a little

  9. As you already know, the NHK mafia can’t prove any of that shit.

    That’s why they rely on intimidation tactics. It works on the majority of Japanese.

    It sounds like your GF will make a contact with NHK sooner or later. She’ll probably crack the next time the NHK mafia shows up.

    I think the best thing you can do is at least convince her to sign up online.

  10. 1. They can’t
    2. They can’t
    3. They can’t

    It’s called privacy. I just tell them to fuck off.

  11. We don’t pay NHK This form of entertainment is dying so they get a bit pushy, We pay for streaming services instead plus Japanese news is kinda shit and country focused

  12. The secret to any relationship is….


    Seriously…. is 1000円/month big shit or little shit?

    You aren’t paying for NHK, you are paying for your girlfriend’s piece of mind.

  13. Don’t pay. Firmly stand soldier!! Never let the thugs tell you what to do and pay!! We shall never surrender.

  14. My gripe with NHK is, if they are mandatory why don’t they just charge us from residence tax?

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