I need some English academic essays about the concept of mujo and fate in japanese literature, please…

Need some help in finding some academic essays (english) about mujo and fate in japanese literature

Hi everyone! I’m trying to write my bachelor thesis but I’m finding a lot of difficulties in finding academic essays that I can use as inspiration. Do you know some essays that talk about the concept of mujo and destiny/fate in Japanese literature?

Plus, do you know some academic essays that talk about Murakami Haruki and Kafka on the shore?
Please help me🙏🏼

  1. I am a bit of an expert on Fate in Japanese society and culture. I see that you have accessed the literature on the Tale of Genji, and other sources. However, keep in mind that Genji is enjoyed by those who live in Tokyo. And Google, like Tokyo, has many uses but does not flow with Fate. As you approach your problem, think more broadly. What is the source of fate in Japan? Where did it come from? And who benefits the most from it? A compelling answer is out there for you to discover. You have not found your answer because you have not looked in the right place.

  2. What is your thesis about? Most of the suggestions are from well known experts in Japanese literature. Royall Tyler is great-his translation of the Tale of Heike is phenomenal.

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