Japan welcomes increased NATO involvement in Indo-Pacific region

Japan welcomes increased NATO involvement in Indo-Pacific region


1 comment
  1. Excerpt from the linked content:^1

    >BRUSSELS – Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi said on Wednesday he welcomes the increased involvement of NATO member states in the Indo-Pacific region, where China has become increasingly assertive militarily.

    >During an extended session of the two-day NATO foreign ministerial meeting in Brussels, Hayashi also pledged to boost Japan’s cooperation with the trans-Atlantic alliance amid an increasingly volatile global security environment, made worse by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    >Hayashi said he is willing to lead international efforts to strengthen and uphold a global order based on respect for international law, with Japan serving as this year’s presidency of the Group of Seven industrialized nations.

    ^1 Kyodo News, 5 Apr. 2023, https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2023/04/08e96b366c21-japan-welcomes-increased-nato-involvement-in-indo-pacific-region.html

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