What happens if you sign up for monthly WaniKani first then buy it in full later for 300 USD?

For someone who hasn’t used WaniKani before, what happens if they subscribe for several months using the 9 USD per month plan and then later decide to buy it in full for 300 USD? (or whenever it goes on sale). Would WaniKani give you a discount because i assume you could finish a substantial amount of content in a few months and when you buy it in full you’re actually only buying a small remainder of unfinished content?

  1. I believe they just factor in the duration of your remaining subscription. They don’t give you a discount based on past months.

    Although, their customer service is awesome, and maybe they would give you a discount if you reached out.

  2. I imagine it would be at full price no matter what. With the lifetime plan, you’re paying for access forever, no matter if you restart. You can even lend your account to your friends when you’re done with it. If it worked like how you assume, people would exploit this by buying lifetime right before the last level to pay the least amount possible.

    Anyway, what I’m saying is that I don’t know much about Wanikani, but I don’t think the lifetime plan is merely buying it in “full” as a one-time use.

  3. I’m not sure if it would be cost effective to wait if you’re paying full price for a monthly subscription now, but they do a 33% off sale for lifetime membership around new years every year. Might be worth considering to wait, or to buy an annual subscription now and then the lifetime when its on sale (and be reimbursed for the remainder of what you paid for the year)

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