What software do the Japanese usually use in their daily lives? Is there any software like reddit?

What software do the Japanese usually use in their daily lives? Is there any software like reddit?


  1. My husband uses Instagram for his hobbies and Line for his circle of friends and family members.

  2. LINE, by far the most popular communication app in the country.

    Strangely, Yahoo as well (yes that Yahoo from the nineties!).

    Tiktok is extremely popular, so is YouTube.

    Not sure of anything that directly corresponds to Reddit, although there are a variety of web based forums and stuff in use.

  3. For news, probably SmartNews. You see plenty of salarymen using them on the train.

  4. Twitter and Instagram are the most popular social media in Japan. Not sure why nobody else has mentioned these two. Tiktok is popular too, but mostly among teens and those in their early 20s. Everyone does use LINE, but it’s mostly used as messenger tool like WhatsApp.

  5. Reddit isn’t exactly what one would call “a software”. I think you may mean “site”, “service”, or “social media site”.

  6. There’s a Japanese community on Reddit that migrated from 2chan years ago (r/newsokur/ and then it spread from there), but these are definitely not your average netizens (in a good way).

    Middle-age and older people who are into social media seem to prefer Facebook still as far as I can tell since it’s good for lengthy ranting and posting pics. Younger people are more into Instagram and Tiktok. Gamers and such use Discord and Twitter (same as in the West really).

    And of course everyone uses Line, random apps for reading manga, netflix and amazon prime are also huge here. Then there’s Pairs, Tinder, Tapple, etc. for dating. Plenty of people playing a myriad of random mobile games, and so on.

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