Official English document on the updated Nationality Law?

I am (as of now) a dual citizenship holder, and the law requires me to choose one citizenship soon.

However, the information regarding the updated Nationality Law is not uploaded anywhere on the internet, and the official nationality law from the Ministry of Justice of Japan seems to yet be outdated. (The choosing period being up to twenty-two years of age (outdated) whereas it should be by twenty years of age (updated)?)

Does anyone have any information on where I can get the updated, english translated document of the Nationality Law?

  1. This seems like a post about shopping, maybe your question is solved by [the wiki page](

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  2. Google 国籍法

    E-gov site


    第十四条 外国の国籍を有する日本国民は、外国及び日本の国籍を有することとなつた時が十八歳に達する以前であるときは二十歳に達するまでに、その時が十八歳に達した後であるときはその時から二年以内に、いずれかの国籍を選択しなければならない。

    2 日本の国籍の選択は、外国の国籍を離脱することによるほかは、戸籍法の定めるところにより、日本の国籍を選択し、かつ、外国の国籍を放棄する旨の宣言(以下「選択の宣言」という。)をすることによつてする

  3. If you are a dual national from birth, then tell the Japanese government you want to keep your Japanese nationality. They will ask you to make an effort to renounce your other nationality. Basically you say yes I will and then do nothing. That’s it.

    In the future when you apply for a new Japanese passport, again it will ask you if you have other nationalities. You say yes that’s it.

    Always leave and enter Japan with your Japanese passport and leave and enter your other country with that country’s passport

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