Im sorry but I hate kevin kelly

I really love NJPW but if theres one thing I can easily do without it’s him. Alex koslov is fine on commentary but Kevin is so ungodly annnoying. I think my breaking point was at wk17 when kaito kicked okada and he immediately started shit talking kaito like he was a jobber. He is the living breathing definition of a dickrider. When it comes to english commentary, NOAH > NJPW and it’s not even close. Probably gonna get downvoted but it needs to be said.

  1. I agree, I only ever watch NJPW with Japanese commentary because of Kevin Kelly

  2. It very much feels like it was a part of the story of that Kaito feud, as he was completely the praise-singer of NOAH during the All Star Jr Festival.

    Honestly its not too far fetched that the announcers are also in on the story there.

  3. I don’t “hate” him but I agree, kevin kelly commentary is almost lifeless sometimes. Example, many times that someone does a suicide dive, he wouldn’t even react while japanese commentary would freak out.

  4. It’s mind boggling that wrestling fans can’t follow a story when wrestling is a story telling medium

    From new Japan’s perspective Kiyomiya was a jobber taking a cheap shot at the champ for notoriety. See all thar heat and buzz okada has with the domestic audience right now? That’s because they really enjoyed him wrecking Kiyomiya for that specific reason.

    In fact every bit of heel antics okada did during that feud just made the new japan fanbase like him more. KK has massive flaws but as the play by play commentator his job is to sell the story the company is trying to sell.

    The whole reason that program was so exciting was this story. From one perspective Kiyomiya is a cheap shotting punk who is trying to use the biggest star in Japan to make his name. From the other perspective okada is an arrogant bully who uses his position to do what the fuck he likes

  5. Pickering + Fulton did a very good job walking the line of being pro-NOAH but not obnoxiously so, not only during the Okada/Kaito brawl, but pretty much the entire show; overall i prefer Japanese commentary when available, but i agree, NOAH over NJPW in the english comms.

  6. I agree but for different reasons. Him being a homer for NJPW, I expect that. Show was Noah vs NJPW so it comes with the territory. I just find his commentary in general grating, especially when he is doing it solo. From clearly killing time cause he’s doing it by himself or shouting out people of Twitter (all females except for Chris samsa I’ve noticed) it just gets tiring.

    Kinda hit my true breaking point with the return of crowd cheering. I specifically remember just during a match him asking Charlton to be quiet just so he can listen to them. I get it, crowd cheering changes the show completely. It’s great. But I don’t need to hear your jerk off about it over multiple shows or point it out specifically.

    I do think he has a place and for new fans he can be an invaluable resource when it comes to learning about the company. But once you notice his ticks as an announcer they can be hard to ignore.

    Tldr- Japanese commentary is fun

  7. “I hate Kevin Kelly but think Alexander Koslov is fine” is certainly a unique pairing of opinions.

  8. I like Kevin Kelly and Chris Charleston, I think they’re swell. Also I like when Kevin gets silly during Taro Yano or HoT matches, it’s just a good time (to me at least). He’s not the best but I do enjoy listening to him.

  9. Wow I can’t believe the New Japan commentator played New Japan fanboy for the NJPW VS NOAH show

  10. Chris Charlton is the one I don’t like much. He doesn’t sound like a voice I can trust and learn from.

    Kevin does sound legit and like he knows what he’s talking about.

    Plus, and I may be wrong here, he says Kazuchika Okada all weird. He’s all like Kázz-CHEE-kuhr Oh-kah-dah. Is that the right way to say it? They all say it differently.

  11. He’s at his best when Gino and Chris are commentating with him. On his own though? Yeah I can see where you’re coming from

  12. I disagree. He meshes well with any of the commentators but I will say Ranallo was the best English commentator NJPW ever had. If you guys watched NJPW on AXSTV back in the day you know what I mean. He was amazing with some of his calls.

  13. New Japan is lucky to have KK. Don’t really want to take shots at Koslov, but the guy says “oh my god” every few minutes, made it hard for me to listen to

  14. IDK, he was putting over NOAH pretty well at the Jr. Festival. Almost like K2 was SELLING THE STORY…..

    Like a GOOD commentator does.

  15. It seems like Kevin Kelly literally googles anything that he needs to say; like he doesn’t consume the wrestling of the company he works for. I listen to him and often already know what’s been going on before he even mentions it. He doesn’t add much to the events but neither does Alex Kozlov. Neither commentators do justice for the English listening viewers.

  16. It’s certainly interesting how English NJPW commentary(don’t know about Japanese, don’t know Japanese) seems to put down NOAH guys when they have the chance, while English NOAH commentary puts the NJPW guys over quite a bit. Same with AEW, Excalibur and JR in particular go all fanboy anytime some from NJPW comes out.

  17. I disagree. I think Kevin is the best play-by-play man in the business right now. When he’s with Gino and Chris, I think they’re the best three man booth in wrestling.

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