How does one get support for a fever/coronavirus here?

So basically, I’ve had a fever since yesterday. It’s gone up and down and the highest it’s been was 40.0. Now it’s around 38.4 by the time I’m writing this.

It’s been difficult to find a clinic to accept me. Especially, since at my job, there were people who tested positive for COVID, they told me for that reason, I wasn’t allowed to come in. This was even told to me by clinics and hospitals recommend to me by the Tokyo Fever Consultation center.

So I have no idea what to do. Are you expected to just suffer by yourself at home?

  1. Contact the hokensho for your area. They may be able to send you supplies and medicine.

    See if any clinics near you do half-day Corona walk-ins. That’s how they’re handling it near me.

  2. Google 保健所 in your area.

    When I got Corona, they even sent me thermometers/oxygen monitor. (To log on the health department website while you’re in home quarantine)

    They might also send you boxes of long life type foods to survive on.

  3. >So I have no idea what to do. Are you expected to just suffer by yourself at home?

    Contact your local hokenjo. They will tell you what to do including which clinic to go to (they will likely recommend a few within walking distance (if possible depending on where you live).

    Other than that, it might sound irresponsible (I personally would rather be looked down upon than starve to death but that’s just me?) but I would go to the supermarket and stock up on loads of food (preferably a lot of canned food that won’t go off) ***now*** while you’re not officially COVID positive.

    It’s not China so they’re not exactly going to lock you in from the outside or throw you in jail but obviously once you’re officially COVID positive and (likely) are told to refrain from going out, you end up *technically* breaking the rules etc.

  4. Just go to the pharmacy and get some Acetaminophen – maybe something like Bufferin Premium which is a combo of Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen would be good.

    If you have COVID, the fever will probably only last 48-72 hours.

  5. If you’re not coughing, do what the locals do: Pop a bunch of aspirin and wear cold sheets and pop into the walk-in clinic like there’s no pandemic. The doctor will diagnose you with Corona and not admit it, not test you, and send you home with some powerful medicine that makes you sleepy for a week. It was all a bad dream and there’s no Corona in Japan



  6. When my wife got COVID last year we called one of the numbers in this website and they told us which hospital to go to.

    At the hospital, there was an area where they look at patients with a fever and determines whether to give them a test or not. A doctor talked to us and decided to give us a test then told us they will contact us if positive or we will just receive a letter in the mail if it was negative.

    After 2 days, someone from the hospital called us and told us that the results were positive, they also mentioned that someone from the health center will contact us within the week and give us instructions on what to do, when our quarantine period is etc.
    The health center people called within the day and told us the above information.

    They also told gave us a website that we need put our info in to receive the food boxes. We received the food after 3 days I think.

  7. May I ask, what do you need a clinic for? COVID takes a few days, and if it’s just a fever and feeling sick, there’s nothing a clinic can do. Just get some rest and take some fever-reducing medicine.

  8. I’m suffering now. Yes, without a loved one – you stay at home and drink lots of water and sleep. Unless your terminal, they never do anything for hospital visits regardless – you will just feel worse from making the trek.

  9. You’re not in denial-country where too many deluded fools lie through their teeth pretending that covid-19 doesn’t exist at all, so there is probably decent support around you. There is great advice from some of the others, but if you do go out do your utter best to remember that, unlike some people, you actually are sick (Corona or not), and that’s why we wear masks.

  10. No, you do not just suffer by yourself. Not all clinics are equipped to deal with covid (testing), so you need to call a hotline in your area to get the number to a clinic that can see you. You can contact your ward office, google it or contact this organization:

    You’ll be given info to a clinic where you’ll get tested. After you get tested you have to isolate at home while you wait for the results (usually 24 hours).

    If you test positive, you must isolate at home for at least 10 days, I believe, and your doctor should give you the number to the 24-hour covid support hotline. Depending on where you live/your insurance, they’ll send you food and drinks to your door free of charge. In any case, if you feel unwell you call that hotline and they’ll help you.

  11. Once you get your covid test accepted, your local heath center will send you 3 meals a day as well if you register on their website. While not great food, it’s better than nothing to at least have something to eat when you are too sick to make anything.

  12. “Japanese healthcare is awesome” was I told not too long ago if I recall in this sub

  13. LPT: If your delivery service has lots of hoops for unattended or no-contact delivery, mention COVID in the additional notes.

  14. Did you call your doctor that you go to normally? Mine just requires off hours appointments for people with fevers – but they’ll see me the same day, no drama.

    My GP told me if my fever went really high to call an ambulance. I had the flu and norovirus simultaneously that time, and keeping my temperature under 40C was a challenge.

  15. I know of a great clinic where you can get RT-PCR tests (results in 15 minutes). They’ll give you some meds as well, and they accept patients with fever or suspicious of covid. Please feel free to DM me.

  16. Freeze a cold water bottle and wrap it in a towel and then lay on/next to it. Helps a lot.

  17. This seems like a post about shopping, maybe your question is solved by [the wiki page](

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