I am interested in getting a DoCoMo 5g home router for my work but I can’t find if it has a period where you can return it for free. Does anyone here know if it does have one and how long it is?
Since it uses same LTE/5G network as docomo, if you have a friend with an actual docomo service and can run speed tests you’ll get ~approximate feeling for the speeds you’ll get with Home 5G.
Do understand that it’s a wirelss/mobile solution, and you should not expect speeds anywhere near “up to 400Mb/up to 1Gbps” that are advertised for LTE/5G.
you have to consider speed is going to be inconsistent.
Sometimes 20-30Mbps, If you want to test, get a eSIM from ahamo and test it on one of the phones in the location, then cancel it. This way you can do it all remotely without returning a physical device.
You can cancel it within 8 days under the following reasons:
* 電波状況が不十分な場合
* 手続きに関する説明が不十分な場合
* 契約書面が不交付の場合
more info here: https://www.wifi-rental.com/media/wifi/100030
Since it uses same LTE/5G network as docomo, if you have a friend with an actual docomo service and can run speed tests you’ll get ~approximate feeling for the speeds you’ll get with Home 5G.
Do understand that it’s a wirelss/mobile solution, and you should not expect speeds anywhere near “up to 400Mb/up to 1Gbps” that are advertised for LTE/5G.
[8日以内キャンセル | お客様サポート | NTTドコモ (docomo.ne.jp)](https://www.docomo.ne.jp/support/cancellation_8day/)
you have to consider speed is going to be inconsistent.
Sometimes 20-30Mbps, If you want to test, get a eSIM from ahamo and test it on one of the phones in the location, then cancel it. This way you can do it all remotely without returning a physical device.